Three major METRONET developments in Western Australia mark new milestones with the announcement of shortlisted proponents for the delivery of these vital infrastructure projects.
The three projects progressing into the competitive bidding stage are the Byford Rai Extension, Inner Armadale Level Crossing Removal and the new Midland Station project.
“We have nine METRONET projects in construction, and with another three major construction contracts to be awarded later this year, there are more opportunities for local jobs and businesses to get involved.
“We are building the major infrastructure we need for tomorrow,” Premier Mark McGowan said.
Byford Rail Extension
The shortlisted builders for the Byford Rail Extension include:
These two proponents will now be further developing their respective proposals for the construction of the project as well as provide a priced option for future expansion of the project scope to include an elevated rail.
The Byford Rail Extension will be adding about eight kilometres to the Armadale Line beginning from Armadale Station to a future station approximately 400 metres north of Abernethy Road in Byford.
The project will also include reconfiguring Thomas Road into a road-over-rail bridge to help improve traffic flow in the area.
Inner Armadale Level Crossing Removal
Shortlisted proponents for this project include:
The shortlisted proponents will now work to progress plans for the removal of dangerous level crossings at Mint Street, Oats Street and Welshpool Road on the Inner Armadale Line by using an elevated rail solution.
In addition, the two proponents are required to provide a priced option for the Hamilton, Wharf and William streets package that is due to progress later this year, subject to funding.
An elevated rail design to replace the level crossings will help improve safety as well as improve traffic flow and revitalise the area with new public spaces for the community.
New Midland Station
The shortlisted proponents for this project include:
This project includes the construction of the new Midland train station and associated infrastructure. It will also include the design and construction of a new station between Helena and Cale streets that features three platforms, a 12-stand bus interchange, a 600-bay multi-storey car park as well as the decommissioning and demolition of the existing 52-year-old train station.
The new Midland Station is going to be located closer to the town centre and connects to the new Bellevue Depot and Manufacturing Centre, improving the new station’s connectivity in the area.
“Early works on the METRONET Byford Rail Extension are already underway with the removal of the Thomas Road level crossing.
“The removal of the Oats Street level crossing and the construction of the new Midland Station were both key McGowan Government election commitments – due to our successful negotiations with the Commonwealth, we have been able to remove additional level crossings at Mint Street in Victoria Park and Welshpool Road,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
Major construction contracts for the three METRONET projects are set to be awarded later this year.
These major projects are anticipated to support thousands of jobs in Western Australia and provide a boost to the State economy.
“All along, the Morrison Government has said METRONET will re-shape Perth and we’re seeing this transformation take shape.
“These projects also mean jobs right now and critical, targeted infrastructure for generations to come,” Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher MP said.
Source: Government of Western Australia; METRONET
Western Australia’s Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension - two METRONET projects - have been granted priority status by Infrastructure Australia, moving the two projects even closer towards construction.
The transformation of Western Australia's Mitchell Freeway has commenced with three separate projects now underway, providing a major boost to the local economy and creating thousands of local jobs.
Another METRONET project in Western Australia is set to get underway next year as procurement activities progress with the Expressions of Interest (EOIs) commencing for the High Capacity Signalling Project.
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