Shortlisted builders announced for NT Darwin Ship Lift facility

Monica Gameng   |   January 11, 2022
Darwin Ship Lift (cr: Northern Territory Government)

A major milestone has been reached on the Darwin Ship Lift project in the Northern Territory as it moves to the third and final stage of procurement following the announcement of two shortlisted tenderers. 

Territoria Civil and the Clough-BMD Joint Venture will now be undertaking design development of what will be Northern Australia’s largest Ship Lift to be built in Darwin. 

Over the next months, the two tenderers will deliver vital design and development works that will guarantee the new facility “is primed to build and grow a thriving marine service and supply sector in the Territory”. 

A preferred contractor that will design and build the Darwin Ship Lift is anticipated to be announced in the second quarter of 2022, with major construction works on the facility to commence later this year. 

ship-lift-3Artist impression of the ship lift (source: Northern Territory Government)

“The investment in this major national project means expanding our marine industry and providing new opportunities for businesses and more jobs for Territorians. 

“This project is going from strength to strength – just last month we saw it progress with submission of its draft Environmental Impact Statement, and now we have shortlisted two capable businesses with a strong local presence in the Territory to bring the next stage to life. 

“The Territory Labor Government thanks McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd, Watpac Construction Pty Ltd and Sitzler Pty Ltd for their participation in the Expression of Interest and Request for Proposal stages of the project,” Minister for Mining and Industry Nicole Manison said. 

The new ship lift facility will include: 

  • A ship lift 26 metres wide, 103 metres long and 6 metres deep 
  • Lifting capability of 5,000 tonnes 
  • Wet berths (wharves) 
  • Additional hard stand area for ship repair and maintenance works 

ship-lift-6Artist impression of the ship lift (source: Northern Territory Government)

The Darwin Ship Lift is going to be a common user facility that allows vessel owners to choose and manage their own service and maintenance providers, which will also enable multiple providers to operate at the same time at the facility. 

Once up and running, the Darwin Ship Lift facility can cater to the maintenance and servicing of Defence and Australian Border Force vessels as well as private and commercial vessels from several industries such as oil, gas and marine. 

This ship lift facility is expected to open opportunities for a growing marine service and supply industry in Darwin which, in turn, will create jobs and grow businesses. The Darwin Ship Lift is also anticipated to be a key driver in establishing a marine services precinct in the East Arm region. 

The new Ship Lift facility in Darwin is due to be operational by late 2024. 

Source: Northern Territory Government Newsroom; Northern Territory Government – Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet; Australia New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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