Seymour Whyte secures contract to deliver VIC Pound Road West Upgrade

Monica Gameng   |   May 21, 2021
Pound Road West (cr: Major Road Projects Victoria)

The Pound Road West Upgrade in Melbourne is a step closer to beginning major construction works with the appointment of Seymour Whyte as preferred builder to deliver this significant road project. 

“Seymour Whyte is committed to delivering positive social outcomes throughout the delivery of the Pound Road West Upgrade project by providing employment opportunities through direct and targeted engagement of the local supply chain. 

“We recognise the important financial, environmental and social value that infrastructure projects, like the Pound Road West Upgrade, deliver to the local economy. We feel privileged to be working alongside MRPV (Major Road Projects Victoria), to deliver local jobs and business opportunities in the local region,” Seymour Whyte Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer John Kirkwood said. 

The Pound Road West Upgrade project includes: 

  • Connecting Pound Road West and Remington Drive with a new bridge over the Cranbourne railway line 
  • Adding an extra lane in each direction between Abbotts Road and South Gippsland Highway 
  • Installing new traffic lights at Ventura Place and Hydrive Close 
  • Upgrading the existing Remington Drive and Pound Road West intersections at Abbotts Road and South Gippsland Highway 
  • Building new shared walking and cycling paths 
  • Installing safety barriers along the road 

Pound-Rd-West-Upgrade-Project-Map-pdfSource: Major Road Projects Victoria

This project will also include strengthening and resurfacing the Frankston-Dandenong Road Bridge over the Cranbourne and Pakenham rail lines to increase load capacity as well as help improve productivity for the industrial precinct. 

“The project is targeting an ‘Excellent’ sustainability rating for project design and as-built assessment, from the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) - Australia’s peak industry body for advancing sustainability outcomes in infrastructure. 

“Our team worked collaboratively with MRPV throughout the tendering phase to improve design and constructability; and deliver positive social outcomes for the community. We look forward to working with MRPV, our project partners and stakeholders to realise these benefits for our community. 

“The project's sustainability initiatives are aimed at managing climate change risk, developing climate resilient infrastructure for our communities, maximising the sustainable social, economic and environmental outcomes on the project,” Seymour Whyte General Manager for Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania Courtney Hoops said. 

Major construction is anticipated to commence in October 2021, following the completion of early enabling works. The project is expected to take two years to be completed. 

Once open to traffic, the upgraded road will reduce congestion on the South Gippsland Highway and Abbotts Road, and provide better access to the Dandenong South employment hub and its surrounding areas. 

Source: Seymour Whyte; Major Road Projects Victoria (1, 2); Engage Victoria – Victoria's Big Build 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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