Security of Payment legislation was introduced throughout Australia as a way for building contractors to receive due payments as per their contract, without getting reeled into a tedious litigation or arbitration process.
The goal of the Act, which is to cost-effectively solve payment disputes by fast tracking them to court judgement, is 94% successful in NSW for claimants.
But the process certainly can be confusing. For starters, since Security of Payment legislation is state-based, the process of making a payment claim varies depending on where the work took place.
To help ease some of the uncertainty around making Security of Payment claims, we put together a brief overview and list of resources for each State and Territory's relevant Security of Payment Act.
Disclaimer – Felix Group is not a legal entity. This content does not constitute legal advice or recommendations and should not be relied upon as such. Appropriate legal advice should be obtained in actual situations.
New South Wales
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulation 2008
Responsible Govt. Department:
NSW Fair Trading
Time Limit for making a claim under the Act:
within 12 months of the reference date*
* = The reference date is a date both parties have previously agreed upon. It is the date on which a Payment Claim can be lodged for the preceding months work. If there is no date agreed, pursuant to the Security of Payments Act NSW it defaults to the last day of the month. You can only make one claim (serve one invoice) per Reference date.
A flow chart for Security of Payment claims in New South Wales. (Image Source)
NSW Fair Trading Contact Number – 13 32 20
NSW Fair Trading Security of Payment Website
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant - only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
More info:
According to NSW Fair Trading, to make a payment claim you must:
Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004
Building and Construction Industry Payments Regulation 2004
Responsible Govt. Department:
Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC)
Time Limit for making a claim under the Act:
within 6 months of the reference date
QBCC Contact Number:
13 9333
QBCC Payment Claim Form Template
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
More info:
According to the QBCC, before submitting your payment claim, make sure you:
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2002
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulations 2013
Responsible Govt. Department:
Victorian Building Authority
Time Limit for making a claim under the Act:
within 3 months of the reference date
Victorian Building Authority Contact Number:
1300 815 127
Victorian Building Authority Payment Claim Sample Form
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
A flow chart for whether or not you can make a Security of Payment claim in Victoria. (Image Source)
More info:
A reference date is the date on which a claim may be made. If the contract does not specify reference dates, the SOP Act provides for them as follows:
Australian Capital Territory
Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2009
Responsible Govt. Department:
Environment and Planning Directorate
Time Limit for making a claim under the Act:
within 12 months of the reference date
Environmental and Planning Directorate Contact Number:
13 22 81
Security of Payments ACT Overview
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
Western Australia
Construction Contracts Act 2004
Construction Contracts Regulations
Responsible Govt. Department:
WA Building Commission
WA Building Commission Contact Number:
1300 489 099
Construction Contracts Act Overview
Making a payment claim Fact Sheet
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
A flow chart showing how Security of Payment claims work in WA. (Image Source)
More info:
The Security of Payments Act operates differently in the West Australia (WA) to the eastern states of Australia so special caution is suggested.
> Back to topTasmania
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009
Responsible Govt. Department:
Building Standards and Occupational Licensing
Time Limit for making a claim under the Act:
Within 12 months of the reference date
Building Standards and Occupational Licensing Contact Number:
1300 654 499
Resolving a business dispute overview for Tasmania
Making a Payment Claim
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
Northern Territory
Construction Contracts (Security of Payments) Act 2004
Construction Contracts (Security of Payments) Regulations 2004
Responsible Govt. Department:
Building Advisory Services
Building Advisory Services Contact Number:
1300 301 059
Security of Payment NT Overview
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
South Australia
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2009
Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Regulations 2
Responsible Govt. Department:
Office of the Small Business Commissioner
Time Limit for making a claim under the Act:
within 6 months of the reference date
Environmental and Planning Directorate Contact Number:
1800 072 722
SA Security of Payments Overview
Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) Security of Payments Page
ABCC Security of Payment Reporting Form for Claimant
(only applicable if you are owed money by a code covered entity.)
(A code covered entity is a building contractor or building industry participant that has submitted an expression of interest (EOI) or tender (howsoever described) for Commonwealth funded building work on or after 2 December 2016, and therefore become subject to the Building Code 2016.)
In December 2015, the Department of Housing and Public Works Queensland released a discussion paper seeking feedback on the issue of security of payment in the building and construction industry. The paper seeks feedback from the widest possible cross section of the building and construction industry on the following identified issues:
The Queensland Government has released a Security of Payment discussion paper to seek comments and suggestions from industry and the community on how best to tackle this issue for subcontractors. During the next month or so, the Government is meeting with Queenslanders at consultation sessions all around the State to hear what they think. Learn more about the wide-ranging legislation that could impose significant changes to the administration of construction contracts.
The Queensland Government is currently preparing new laws which will introduce a suite of measures to ensure the security of payment for subcontractors. The historic building and construction industry reforms will include establishing project bank accounts.
If you're looking to contact us about other matters, please contact us.