Search for head contractor for NSW Newell Highway Upgrade commences

Monica Gameng   |   September 27, 2021
Newell Highway (cr: Transport for NSW)

The search for a builder to deliver the largest project under the Newell Highway Upgrade in New South Wales is now underway. 

Pre-qualified contractors are now invited to tender for the Heavy Duty Pavement Upgrade project between Narrabri and Moree. 

This upgrade will include four priority sections that will total to 26.85 kilometres of the Newell Highway. 

The Australian and New South Wales Governments is committing over $257 million to deliver heavy duty pavement upgrades to provide motorists with safer and more reliable journeys between Narrabri and Moree. 

“This is a major upgrade for the Newell Highway, which connects freight operators and other road users travelling inland between Queensland and Victoria and many regional communities. 

“The project will reduce travel times, increase freight productivity and improve access along the Newell Highway, as well as to the future Moree Special Activation Precinct and Northern NSW Inland Port at Narrabri,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said. 

newell-narrabri-moree-section-upgrades-imageNewell Highway upgrade map (source: Transport for NSW)

This upgrade project will include: 

  • Providing a heavy-duty pavement to meet the existing and future freight needs along this section of the Newell Highway 
  • Widening the existing highway or constructing a new two-lane highway adjacent to the existing highway of 3.5-metre lanes, 2-metre shoulders and 1-metre-wide centre line cross section 
  • Providing a new 1.5-kilometre-long dedicated overtaking lanes in five locations 
  • Upgrading intersections and right turn lanes 
  • Retaining or improving the 110-kilometre design speed alignments 
  • Improving access to private property and bus stop layouts 

“The Newell Highway is the freight backbone of the state, and this latest upgrade builds on our record investment, which also includes rolling out approximately 40 overtaking lanes and opening road train access along the entire length of the highway, to unlock big freight efficiency gains from border to border. 

“Our focus is now on delivering the biggest project under the jointly funded Newell Highway Upgrade package, and today’s release of the tender for the main contract for this project, brings us a step closer to seeing shovels in the ground,” NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said. 

The Australian and State Governments have committed about $740 million to upgrade the Newell Highway, as part of the broader Newell Highway Upgrade package, and this complements a $375 million funding commitment under the Roads of Strategic Importance initiative to upgrade this vital corridor. 

“Nationwide, we are investing in projects like this to help connect regional businesses to local and international markets, and better link up regional communities – to help secure our economic recovery. 

“This project is about ensuring our key freight roads more efficiently connect agricultural and mining regions to ports, airports and other transport hubs. This will support regional jobs and industries,” Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said. 

Upgrading the Newell Highway will not only improve safety and reduce travel times between Narrabri and Moree, but it will also help reduce maintenance costs and vehicle operating costs for motorists as well as help improve flood immunity along this corridor. 

“This section of the Newell Highway is located within one of the most productive agricultural regions in Australia, so it’s critical that this road is up to scratch to ensure our farmers can more efficiently get their products to market. 

“This is an exciting project for the Narrabri and Moree communities and will not only deliver more jobs locally and ensure motorists get home sooner and safer, but will help the region take advantage of the benefits of Inland Rail which is steaming ahead,” Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said. 

Early enabling works – including water main relocation at Bellata – commenced in June last year. 

Major construction on this project is anticipated to begin in early 2022 after the announcement of a successful head contractor for the main construction contract. 

Pre-qualified tenderers are required to attend a pre-tender meeting on 12th October. 

In addition, local businesses and suppliers are being invited to register their interest in delivering the project. More information on this Registration of Interest process can be found here. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport; NSW Government – Transport for NSW 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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