The removal of three level crossings along Victoria’s Werribee line - Werribee and Cherry streets in Werribee and Old Geelong Road in Hoppers Crossing - are being fast tracked, which means no more level crossings on Wyndham’s Metro lines by 2022.
“This is a real win for the local community - we’re fast-tracking the Hoppers Crossing project so all three level crossing removals on the Werribee line will be completed at the same time.
“Just like the 29 level crossings we’ve already removed across Melbourne, these three sites at Werribee and Hoppers Crossing cause nothing but frustration and anxiety - they have to go,” Treasurer and Member for Werribee Tim Pallas said.
Following geotechnical and engineering investigations, two feasible designs have been announced for each of the three level crossings - the preferred design and another feasible design. The preferred designs for each site were based on technical considerations as well as long-term benefits.
Old Geelong Road’s preferred design to remove the level crossing will include the construction of a new road bridge over the rail line located east of the existing crossing. This will directly link the Prince Highway to Old Geelong Road and Heaths Road.
The preferred design to remove the level crossing at Cherry Street will also require the construction of a new road bridge east of the existing crossing. This will link Tarneit Road to the Princes Highway through the irrigation channel adjacent the Wyndham City Council offices.
The road bridge design for Old Geelong Road and Cherry Street will ensure motorists have better access to the Princes Highway and Princes Freeway, with minimal disruption to motorists and passengers during its construction as well as safer journeys to vital facilities such as hospitals, shopping centres and schools.
On the other hand, the preferred design for the Werribee Street level crossing removal will include elevating the Werribee line over the road. This will provide more open space under the rail line, complementing Wyndham City Council’s upgrade projects at Wyndham Park. This design will also minimise disruption to road users during its construction.
“Anyone who has been stuck behind the boom gates at these level crossings knows what a difference removing them will make,” Member for Tarneit Sarah Connolly said.
Two community drop-in sessions are going to be held around Werribee and Hoppers Crossing in coming weeks, with information on the projects for viewing.
Construction to remove the three level crossings is anticipated to commence next year.
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Another dangerous and congested level crossing in Melbourne’s west is set to be removed for good, with the Victorian Government releasing the early designs for the project.
The Andrews Labor Government’s 2016/17 Victorian Budget is providing the full $1.46 billion funding for a second river crossing as part of the Western Distributor Project. The second river crossing will cut the travel time from Melbourne to Geelong by 20 minutes.
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