Registration of Interest to begin for two SA Fullarton Rd projects

Monica Gameng   |   January 18, 2021
Fullarton Road (cr:

The South Australian Government is commencing Registration of Interest for the design and construction of two major intersection upgrades at Fullarton Road. 

The upgrades – with a combined project value of almost $100 million – are jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian Governments and will include works to improve the Fullarton Road intersections with Cross Road and Glen Osmond Road. 

Upgrading the intersections will help lessen travel times as well as improve safety and reduce congestion for tens of thousands of motorists using this road network. 

“Motorists who us the Fullarton Road corridor know all too well the frustration caused by unnecessary delays and safety risks. 

“Over the past five year period (2015 to 2019) there were 40 crashes reported at the Glen Osmond Road/Fullarton intersection and 35 at the Cross Road/Fullarton Road intersection,” Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Corey Wingard said. 

The Fullarton Road and Cross Road intersection is located about five kilometres south east of Adelaide’s CBD, adjacent to the University of Adelaide Waite Campus and Urrbrae High School. 

The current proposed works for this upgrade include: 

  • Widening of Cross Road, with the installation of dedicated right turn lane into Fullarton Road on both approaches, three through lanes on both approaches, a dedicated left turn slip lane into Fullarton Road (northbound) and dual left turn lanes onto Fullarton Road (southbound) 
  • Widening of Fullarton Road, with the installation of dedicated right turn lanes into Cross Road on both approaches, three through lanes on both approaches, a dedicated left turn slip lane onto Cross Road (westbound) and a shared through and left turn lane onto Cross Road (eastbound) 
  • Indenting of Urrbrae Agricultural High School Bus stops on the south side of Cross Road (west) and bus stop 12 on the west side of Fullarton Road (north), and relocation of bus stops 165 located on the north and south sides of Cross Road 
  • Upgraded pedestrian crossings within the intersection, including ramps, dedicated on-road bicycle lanes on all approach exit lanes to/from the intersection 
  • A seagull median treatment on Fullarton Road for access to Urrbrae Agricultural High School 
  • Pavement construction and surfacing 
  • New and upgraded traffic signals 
  • LED road lighting for the extend of the works 
  • New line marking and drainage 

This $61 million intersection upgrade project is expected to support up to 65 jobs a year over during its construction period. 

Cross_Fullarton_with_template_8_DecFullarton Road and Cross road intersection (source: Department of Infrastructure and Transport)

On the other hand, works on the Fullarton Road and Glen Osmond Road intersection upgrade is proposed to include: 

  • Widening of Fullarton Road to provide an additional (third) dedicated through traffic lanes on each direction of Fullarton Road through the intersection 
  • Widening of Glen Osmond Road to improve an additional (second) dedicated right turn lane from Glen Osmond Road onto Fullarton Road for traffic travelling northbound, and a longer right turn lane on Glen Osmond Road for traffic turning onto Fullarton Road to travel southbound 
  • Relocating and indenting Bus Stop on Glen Osmond Road east of the intersection 
  • Removal of the right turn lanes on Fullarton Road travelling into Glen Osmond Road (right turn movements to be prohibited at all times) 
  • A sheltered right turn lane will be provided on Fullarton Road at the junction with Campbell Road. This will provide an alternate route for vehicles travelling south along Fullarton Road wanting to access the Arkaba Medical Centre via Campbell Road and Collins Street 
  • Installation of a pedestrian refuge on Fullarton Road between Gladstone Street and Campbell Road 
  • Realignment of Main Avenue to relocate the junction at Glen Osmond Road approximately 35 to 40 metres south east from its current location, which will incorporate a sheltered lane for vehicles turning right from Glen Osmond Road 
  • Pavement construction and surfacing 
  • New and upgraded traffic signals 
  • LED road lighting for the extent of the works 
  • New line marking and drainage 

The $35 million Fullarton Road and Glen Osmond Road intersection upgrade – located about three kilometres south of Adelaide CBD – is anticipated to support about 50 jobs a year over its construction period. 

Glen_Osmond_and_Fullarton_Road_-_Concept_Design_-_December_2020Fullarton Road and Glen Osmond Road intersection (source: Department of Infrastructure and Transport)

In addition, the Urrbrae Gatehouse – which is owned by the University of Adelaide – is going to be removed with a $2 million funding for State Heritage projects offered to assist the University with its removal. 

“The State Government will continue to engage with all interested stakeholders and the community to ensure these vital upgrades can go ahead in the most appropriate way possible,” Minister Wingard said. 

Source: Premier of South Australia – Media Releases; SA Department for Infrastructure and Transport (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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