Record investment on QLD road & transport to support thousands of jobs

Monica Gameng   |   December 3, 2020

The Queensland Government has released the 2020-21 State Budget and it highlights a record investment of approximately $26.9 billion for road and transport, which will support 23,600 jobs as part of Queensland’s economic recovery plan. 

“Over the next four years, Queenslanders will see major projects like the $1 billion Gympie Bypass, $480 million Bruce Highway upgrade between Edmonton and Gordonvale and close to $2 billion in M1 upgrades completedand some of the state’s largest ever jobs and infrastructure projects kick off. 

“This budget means thousands of secure jobs for Queenslanders. It means improving productivity for our economy, and better safety for those travelling throughout Queensland,” Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said. 

Minister Bailey added that the Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) includes $280 million which will be spent over the next four years on the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS) to support jobs as well as help improve and maintain local transport networks across the State. 

“This is a commitment to provide certainty of funding for local governments, which is critical to improving and maintaining the local transport network across this diverse state. 

This funding is vital for local councils to support their works program and local jobs,” Mr Bailey said. 

In addition, the QTRIP 2020-21 to 2023-24 highlights the Queensland Government’s commitment to deliver key infrastructure across the State. This includes recently announced road upgrade projects as part of the State Government’s COVID-19 economic recovery response. 

This commitment includes: 

  • $400 million state funding towards a $440.25 million package of road upgrades, as part of the Queensland Economic Strategy: Unite and recover for Queensland Jobs 
  • $415 million, jointly funded package of road upgrades as part of the Australian Government’s Economic Stimulus package, to deliver shovel-ready projects across the state’s network 

“Global economies are doing it tough. But thanks to Queenslanders and the strength of our Premier, we will deliver Queensland’s plan for jobs and economic recovery. 

“Because this government will always put Queensland’s health and economic strength first,” Minister Bailey said. 

Key road projects (including jointly funded projects) include: 

  • $2.1 billion for Gateway Motorway and Bruce Highway upgrades in northern Brisbane, including North South Urban Arterial corridor (dubbed the “Moreton Connector”) 
  • $1.53 billion for the Coomera Connector (Stage 1) between Coomera and Nerang 
  • $1.065 billion for the Rockhampton Ring Road 
  • $1 billion for the M1 between Varisty Lakes and Tugun 
  • $1 billion for the M1 between Daisy Hill and Logan Motorway 
  • $1 billion for the Bruce Highway (Cooroy to Curra) Section D: Woondum to Curra 
  • $932.2 million for the Bruce Highway between Caloundra Road and the Sunshine Motorway 
  • $750 million for the M1 between Eight Mile Plains and Daisy Hill 
  • $662.5 million for upgrading the Bruce Highway between Caboolture – Bribie Island Road and Steve Irwin Way 
  • $514.3 million for the Haughton River Floodplain upgrade in the Bruce Highway (Ayr – Townsville) 
  • $481 million for the Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 3) project to duplicate the highway between Edmonton and Gordonvale 
  • $400 million for the Ipswich Motorway upgrade from Rocklea to Darra 
  • $359 million for the Cairns Ring Road between Cairns CBD and Smithfield 
  • $350 million for the Mackay Port Access project (Mackay Ring Road Stage 2) 
  • $301.3 million for the Bruce Highway Maroochydore Road interchange project 
  • $244 million for the Centenary Bridge upgrade (Stage 1) 
  • $230 million for the Townsville Ring Road (Stage 5) project 
  • $225 million for the Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 5) at Foster Road 
  • $200 million Queensland Government funding towards the Inland Freight Route (Charters Towers to Mungindi) 
  • $164 million for the Smithfield Bypass linking McGregor Road and Cairns Western Arterial Road 
  • $158 million to duplicate the Bruce Highway to four lanes through Parkhurst (Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade project) 
  • $150 million for the Walkerston Bypass 
  • $125 million for the Linkfield Road overpass upgrade 
  • $123.7 million for the Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor (Stage 4) between Kate Street and Aumuller Street 
  • $120.4 million for the Mackay Northern Access upgrade on the Bruce Highway 
  • $95 million foe Riverway Drive (Stage 2), Allambie Lane to Dunlop Street 
  • $80 million for the Sumners Road interchange 
  • $80 million for upgrading sections of the Rockhampton – Yeppoon Road 
  • $75 million for the Mount Lindesay Highway between Stoney Camp Road and Chambers Flat Road 
  • $75 million for duplicating the Capricorn Highway between Rockhampton and Gracemere 
  • $60 million for Cairns Western Arterial Road (Redlynch Connector Road to Kamerunga Road) duplication 
  • $53 million for Mount Lindesay Highway (Johanna Street to South Street) 
  • $50 million for progressive sealing of the Kennedy Developmental Road (The Lynd – Hughenden) 
  • $46.4 million for Stuart Drive (Townsville Connection Road) between University Road and Bowen Road Bridge, Townsville 

Key rail projects (including jointly funded projects) include: 

  • More than $1 billion for the Rail Network Strategy package, including $255 million for the New Generation Rollingstock, European Train Control System fitment and $600 million for the Rollingstock Expansion Project 
  • $709.9 million for the Gold Coast Light Rail (Stage 3) 
  • $646 million for the European Train Control System Level 2 upgrades 
  • $550.8 million for Stage 1 of the North Coast Line – Beerburrum to Nambour Rail upgrade 
  • $97.2 million for an upgrade of the Mayne Yard vehicle and pedestrian access 
  • $95.1 million for the Loganlea Train Station relocation 
  • $57.1 million to upgrade train stations between Fairfield and Salisbury 

“Not only will we build Queensland’s biggest rail project: Cross River Rail, Queensland trains will be built by Queenslanders in Maryborough. 

“We have committed a $1 billion rail manufacturing pipeline to lock in long term stable manufacturing jobs in Maryborough and supply chains across Queensland, including in Rockhampton,” Minister Bailey said. 

The Queensland Budget 2020-21 also highlights investment to deliver other transport infrastructure projects as well as significant active transport infrastructure and marine infrastructure project. You can view the full list of projects on the Queensland Government’s media statement here. 

“The Palaszczuk Government will build more bike lanes and rail trails as the only major party with a policy for active transport – including the Cairns Southern Access Cycleway, Bundaberg to Gin Gin Rail Trail and Sunshine Coast hinterland bike trail. 

“We’ll strengthen our coastal shipping industry with a $21 million commitment to get more local crews on ships, support a new shipping service between Townsville and Brisbane, and more maritime skills and training,” the Minister added. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media StatementsQueensland Government – Queensland Budget 2020-21 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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