RCR wins $33m contract to deliver works for Fortescue Metals Group

Monica Gameng   |   November 28, 2017

RCR Tomlinson has secured a $33 million contract to deliver works for Fortescue Metals Group on its operations in the Pilbara, Western Australia.

RCR’s scope of works will include the design, manufacturing and construction of a 5-kilometre relocatable conveyor system for Fortescue. This project is being delivered as a joint venture with an Indigenous partner.

The contract was secured under an innovation and development memorandum and understanding (MoU) between RCR and Fortescue, which is targeted at identifying improved productivity as well as efficiency initiatives throughout Fortescue’s iron ore operations.

The relocatable conveyor system is going to be trialled at Fortescue’s Cloudbreak mine and it is identified as a vital productivity initiative for future ore deposits.

“RCR and Fortescue have each developed unique positions in the industry as innovators and first movers on smart technology. RCR, working with Fortescue, is excited about the opportunity to use Engineering Intelligence to provide a solution which will ultimately lead to ongoing reductions in the cost of production for iron ore.

“We look forward to working with Fortescue and supporting our partner to develop this innovative solution at Fortescue’s operations in the Pilbara,” RCR Managing Director and CEO Dr Paul Dalgleish said.

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Source: Australian Mining and RCR Tomlinson

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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