Queensland’s largest excavation project is now underway, with a ground-breaking ceremony held last week for the $3 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development.
In November 2017, Destination Brisbane Consortium – the project developers – awarded Probuild the contract to carry out the excavation and shoring works for the project.
Over the next two years, approximately 450,000 cubic metres of material is going to be removed from the site. Once excavation is completed, foundation works will begin to build a five-level basement with car park that will cater to the tourism, entertainment and resort development happening above ground.
“This basement excavation, only metres from the Brisbane River, is for the future superstructure. It requires nearly a metre-thick concrete diaphragm wall to be constructed, which will embed into the rock five basement levels down from Queen’s Wharf Road, to hold the river back from the excavation,” Probuild’s Queensland Managing Director Jeff Wellburn said.
As part of the works, Probuild will be installing soldier piles on three faces of the excavation together with soil anchors, mesh and concrete shotcrete that will stabilise the walls as excavation works get deeper into the ground. According to a statement from Probuild, an estimate of 45,000 truck movements are required for this excavation project.
Probuild was also involved in the demolition works for the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane development, which included the removal of three non-heritage former government buildings on site.
“Our involvement in the early stages of the project has seen us develop a thorough understanding of it – and we couldn’t be more honoured and excited to be delivering the next 18 months works,” Mr Wellburn said.
Site demolition works (source: Queen's Wharf Brisbane)
Excavation sites will be located on the former Executive Building, 80A George St building, and the Neville Bonner Building as well as underneath the section of William Street between those old government buildings.
According to Destination Brisbane Consortium Project Director Simon Crooks, the consortium will be working closely with Probuild to reinforce the safety standards set for the project as well as to make sure that disruption are minimised for local commuters, cyclists, pedestrians and residents.
Mr Crooks added: “Later this year we expect to go to tender for the next immediate phase of the project – construction – as we will need to start on foundations at the bottom of the excavation pit in order to build the five basement level structures for thousands of cars to park at our integrated resort.”
Once completed, Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will feature:
“It will be Australia’s best integrated resort, a world-class destination competitive with anything on offer in the Asia Pacific region, to attract domestic and international visitors who will contribute substantially to the Queensland economy.
“Queen’s Wharf Brisbane will bring significant economic benefits with 2,000 jobs during peak construction and 8,000 roles once the precinct is operational,” Destination Brisbane Consortium Chair John O’Neill AO said.
The Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort is expected to open its doors to visitors in 2022.
Watch this space for the latest Queen’s Wharf Brisbane project update as well as other industry news by subscribing to Felix Project News.
Source: Probuild, Queen’s Wharf Brisbane
Destination Brisbane Consortium has announced that Probuild is the successful tenderer for the Queen’s Wharf Brisbane integrated resort development excavation works package.
Another new major milestone has been marked on Queensland’s $3.6 billion Queen’s Wharf Brisbane project, with Destination Brisbane Consortium awarding the construction contract - valued approximately $1.5 billion - to Multiplex.
Urbis, on behalf of Destination Brisbane Consortium, has submitted the largest single development application in Queensland history for the multi-billion dollar Queen’s Wharf Brisbane Integrated Resort Development (QWBIRD).
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