QLD's Indooroopilly Riverwalk project moves one step closer to construction

Monica Gameng   |   November 22, 2018

First revealed in May 2018, Brisbane’s four-stage Indooroopilly bikeway has now been transformed into a Riverwalk that will eventually be connecting the western suburbs of Kenmore and Indooroopilly with the University of Queensland.

A planned construction has lodged that the first two stages of the project will be built all at once in order to provide an 800-metre shared path.

“The new Indooroopilly bikeway will make travel by bike faster and safer, raising property values and bringing new business to the small business precinct along Riverview Terrace.

“The new shared bridges will rapidly mark their place on Brisbane’s iconic River Loop, enabling thousands of locals and visitors to enjoy all that Brisbane has to offer - on bikes,” Bicycle Queensland Chief Executive Anne Savage said.

20180514-indooroopilly-bikeway-project-plan-may-2018 copySource: Brisbane City Council

The first stage of the project is set to link Witton Road - at the corner of Twigg Street - to Radnor Street near Foxton Street. This stage will also include a pedestrian link to Riverview Terrace.

On the other hand, Stage 2 will be extending Stage 1 under the Walter Taylor Bridge as well as connect Witton Barracks to the existing Pesch Bikeway.

“While we enthusiastically supported Stage 1, we have said from the outset that Stage 2 connecting to Witton Barracks and the Jack Pesch Bridge to Chelmer was critical to realise the benefits Brisbane residents want.

“We are delighted that council has listened to the feedback from us, our members and others in the community and are proceeding to deliver stages one and two in a single project,” Brisbane West Bicycle User Group convenor Chris Cox said.

The cost to deliver both stages has not yet been disclosed.

The entire Indooroopilly Riverwalk project is set to include:

  • A new 5-metre wide shared path with separate lanes for cyclists and pedestrians
  • Connections to Foxton Street and Riverview Terrace
  • Upgrade works to the Foxton Street / Randor Street intersection
  • Lighting along across the entire Riverwalk
  • Landscaping and wayfinding signage

The Riverwalk’s design is currently being completed, with the tender to build the project expected to go out to market in mid-2019.

Construction of the Indooroopilly Riverwalk is anticipated to commence in late 2019.

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Source: Brisbane Times (1, 2); Indooroopilly News; Brisbane City Council

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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