QLD Cameby Downs coal mine expansion receives approval

Monica Gameng   |   May 3, 2019

The Queensland Government has given its approval to Yancoal Australia’s planned expansion on its Cameby Downs mine, which is expected to create additional jobs for the Western Downs region.

“This is a vote of confidence by Yancoal in Queensland’s world-class resources, our infrastructure and our skilled resources workforce.

“For Western Downs communities like Miles and Chinchilla, it means greater opportunities for the current and future generations of locals to benefit from a strong resources sector in the region,” Mines Minister Dr Anthony Lynham said.

The approved mining lease will allow Yancoal to expand the operations of the Cameby mine as well as extend the life of the open cut mine.

The Cameby Downs operations is comprised of an open cut mine, coal handling and preparation plant and associated infrastructure; and it has been operating since mid-2010, producing 2.8Mtpa of ‘run of mine’ thermal coal for export. With the expansion, the mine will be able to produce up to 3.5Mtpa and have a mine life of 75 years.

The expansion will begin immediately and peak production at the mine is projected to be reached within a 12-month period.

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Source: Queensland Government; Australian Mining; The Sydney Morning Herald

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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