Proposed new vanadium mine in QLD to support hundreds of jobs

Monica Gameng   |   April 28, 2023
Driling at the Richmond vanadium site (cr: Richmond Vanadium Technology)

The development of a new vanadium mine in North West Queensland is close to commencing with the finalisation of the terms of reference for the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 

With the terms of reference now in place, an EIS can now be drafted for the proposed $242.2 million Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project. 

Richmond Vanadium Technology (RVT), the project proponent, estimates the project to create approximately 100 construction jobs as well as 200 ongoing operational jobs over a 25-year mine life. 

“This is another important milestone for RVT as we work towards completing the BFS (Bankable Feasibility Study) and EIS for the Richmond Vanadium Project in 2024. The RVT team has worked extremely hard in preparation for the development of the EIS, including the recent appointment of Epic (Epic Environmental) to lead the program. We look forward to accelerating work on the EIS as we target completion next year,” Richmond Vanadium Technology Chief Executive Officer Dr Shaun Ren said. 

The Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project is going to be located about 45 kilometres north west of Richmond, in the North West Minerals Province. 

The proposed project is set to feature: 

  • An open-cut vanadium mine 
  • Mine infrastructure areas including a waste rock dump and tailing dam 
  • Internal access roads 
  • Truck load-out facility 
  • Processing infrastructure 
  • Sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities 
  • Office buildings and amenities 
  • Off-lease accommodation village 

“Queensland’s North West Minerals Provide is one of the world’s richest mineral producing areas and will support Queensland production of critical minerals for the global renewable energy sector. 

“The Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project is one of the exciting proposals for the development of the North West Minerals Province and supports the Palaszczuk Government’s landmark Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan and supports the Queensland Battery Industry Strategy,” Deputy Premier Steven Miles said. 

Once operational, the Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project is estimated to extract up to 4.2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of vanadium ore that will be processed on site to produce 790,000 tonnes a year of vanadium concentrate. 

In May 2022, the Richmond-Julia Creek Vanadium project was declared a coordinated project. 

“Vanadium is in worldwide demand for manufacturing products such as redox flow batteries that can be built on a large scale to power homes and businesses over longer periods. 

“The Palaszczuk Government is strongly supporting the development of a vanadium mining, processing and manufacturing industry in Queensland. 

“There are huge opportunities to grow production of critical minerals in the North West Minerals Province and our investment in Copperstring 2032 and the Queensland Resources Common User Facility will support companies like Richmond Vanadium Technology,” Resources Minister Scott Stewart said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Richmond Vanadium Technology (1, 2); Australian Mining; Queensland Government – State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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