Proposed Kangaroo Bay Hotel to create 100 jobs during construction

Monica Gameng   |   October 22, 2024
Kangaroo Bay Hotel artist impression (cr: TAS Government - State Planning Office)

The proposed $65 million Kangaroo Bay Hotel has been declared a Major Project by the Tasmanian Government under its landmark major projects legislation. 

The 155-room hotel is expected to create 100 full-time equivalent jobs during its construction and approximately 443 full-time equivalent jobs once Kangaroo Bay Hotel is up and running. 

The State Government introduced the Major Projects pathway to balance certainty for proponents and transparency for the community. 

“Developments like the Kangaroo Bay Hotel are driving forces for economic growth, job creation, and progress. 

“The Proposal sets out that 100 full-time equivalent jobs will be created for the Hotel’s construction alone, adding to the continued pipeline of work for our tradies, including out next generation of apprentices who will have more opportunities to learn their craft on site. 

“This development will have a direct impact on the region’s economy, with forecast visitor expenditure growth of $500 million over 10 years. 

“Through the Government’s 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, we’re supporting local jobs and driving investment by backing in developments that benefit our communities,” Minister for Housing and Planning Felix Ellis said. 

Following Major Project declaration, the Kangaroo Bay Hotel proposal will now be assessed by an independent expert panel appointed by the Tasmanian Planning Commission alongside relevant statutory regulators. 

The independent panel will develop draft assessment criteria for public exhibition and the community will be given multiple opportunities to have their say on the project over the course of the project’s assessment period. 

The proposed Kangaroo Bay Hotel will be built on the eastern shore of the River Derwent at Bellerive in the City of Clarence. Key features of the project include indoor and outdoor bar and dining, a premium specialty restaurant, around 1,000 square metres of meeting space, landscaped foreshore open space, a public boardwalk, and a space for up to 120 vendors and guests for outdoor events. 

On-site parking will also be available for about 61 vehicles as well as up to 59 on-street car parking spaces. 

Subject to approvals, construction on the Kangaroo Bay Hotel is anticipated to commence in 2026 and will take up to 18 to 24 months to complete. 

Source: Premier of Tasmania – Latest News; Tasmanian Government – State Planning Office; Tasmanian Planning Commission; ABC News; Inside Construction 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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