Proposed $140m Pilbara Hydrogen Hub to support 1000 jobs

Monica Gameng   |   February 22, 2024
Pilbara Hydrogen Hub training and research institute (cr: Pilbara Development Commission)

The Australian and Western Australian Governments have finalised funding for a hydrogen hub in the Pilbara region. 

The $140 million Pilbara Hydrogen Hub will become a major centre for hydrogen production and export, and it could potentially be an international gateway to Australian-made green steel and iron. 

This project is also part of the state Government’s plan to transform Western Australia into a global clean energy powerhouse. 

“When it comes to producing and exporting world-leading products at a global scale, WA leads the way. 

“This project will be WA-produced hydrogen on Asia’s doorstep, helping to strengthen and diversify our economy for the future,” Premier Roger Cook said. 

The proposed project is anticipated to support about 1,000 direct and indirect jobs that include opportunities for builders, concreters, electricians, plumbers, fitters and technicians. 

The combined investment from the Commonwealth and State Governments – each contributing $70 million – will deliver infrastructure to support hydrogen exports and renewable energy production. 

The funding will also support activities for a Clean Energy Training and Research Institute, which will provide practical, job-focused training in renewable energy and hydrogen for the residents of Pilbara including First Nations peoples. 

The Pilbara Hydrogen Hub is proposed to be built on the traditional lands of the Ngarluma and Kariyarra people as well as Murujuga where the Traditional Custodians are represented by the Murujuga Aboriginal Corporation. 

The early stages of the project will prioritise the delivery of common-user infrastructure that is necessary to get hydrogen stored, transported and exported. This includes a hydrogen or ammonia pipeline and upgrades to port infrastructure to support renewable hydrogen production. 

The proposed pipeline will enable the production of about 492,000 tonnes of hydrogen annually, which is enough to power 26,000 heavy vehicles for an entire year or decarbonise existing ammonia production o9n the Burrup Peninsula. 

Construction on the road and intersection leading to the project site will commence this year, with the Pilbara Hydrogen Hub expected to be operational in mid-2028. 

“This hub will bring a new clean energy industry to the Pilbara, supporting the region’s world-class industries well into the future. 

“WA is already a global mining and export powerhouse, and it’s now primed to become a world-leading hydrogen supplier as well,” Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen said. 

The Pilbara Hydrogen Hub is just one of several being delivered under the Australian Government’s $500 million investment that supports the development of hydrogen hubs across Australia. These hydrogen hubs will be located where producers, users and exporters of hydrogen work side by side, sharing infrastructure and expertise to help the hydrogen industry grow. 

The hubs will ultimately lower the cost of hydrogen production while encouraging innovation and enhancing skills and training efforts. 

“Developing a hydrogen industry in the Pilbara means more jobs and a strong future for our local communities. 

“By 2050, Australia’s hydrogen industry is projected to generate $50 billion in additional GDP and create over 16,000 jobs in regional Australia, including in WA. 

“The industry is also expected to create an additional 13,000 jobs from the construction of renewable energy infrastructure. 

“The Australian Government’s $70 million investment is part of its Regional Hydrogen Hubs program, which is investing over half a billion dollars to build hubs at key locations like Kwinana, Gladstone, Townsville, Bell Bay, Port Bonython, and the Hunter,” State Member for Pilbara Kevin Michel said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Australian Government – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (1, 2); Government of Western Australia – Pilbara Development Commission; Renew Economy 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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