Project update: $2.1-bil Maroochydore City Centre Development

Kerri McGrath   |   June 22, 2016

Works on the Maroochydore City Centre Development, set to become the Sunshine Coast's new CBD, are well and truly underway. 

Last year, the Sunshine Coast City Council appointed SunCentral Maroochydore to oversee the design, construction, marketing and sales of the development and ensure the project is "done right". 

There is a growing business community on the Sunshine Coast and the region is well-poised to embrace and sustain such a development. 

The $2.1b project spans 53ha - have a look here to get up-to-speed. 

Bird's eye view of the development site
Bird's eye view of the development site. Source: SunCentral Maroochydore

Local firm Shadforths Civil Contractors was awarded the bulk earthworks contract for Stage 1A of the project -civil, electrical, and landscape construction- and those works have been underway for some time.

On Monday 27 June SunCoast Maroochydore will call for EOI's for the city centre's commercial zone, targetting institutional and private equity investors and large tenants. 

SunCoast Maroochydore expects to be contracting for the major civil works in a few months' time - so stay tuned for upcoming announcements.

The CBD will be the first stage of the project, followed by mixed commercial and residential development, with hopes of attracting a major tourism hotel operator to the site. 

The project will create thousands of jobs and generate millions of dollars for the region and ties in with the expansion of the nearby airport and new light rail system to connect to the new $2b Sunshine Coast University Hospital. 

Exciting times are ahead - we'll definitely be keeping an eye on the Sunshine Coast! 

Source: The Queensland Times, AFR,Sunshine Coast Council

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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