Preferred contractor announced for QLD's $152m Smithfield Bypass project

Monica Gameng   |   July 19, 2018

The $152 million Smithfield Bypass project in Far North Queensland marks a major milestone with the design and construction contract awarded to Highway Construction / Albem Operations Joint Venture.

“Highway Construction / Albem Operations Joint Venture is currently working with Transport and Main Roads on design solutions that deliver additional functionality and efficiency and will of course be consulting with the community,” Member for Barron River Craig Crawford said.

Works on the region’s most significant road infrastructure is expected to commence in late 2018 and completed by late 2020, weather permitting.

The Smithfield Bypass will include:

  • Bypass route continuity between Captain Cook Highway (CCH) at Yorkeys Knob Road Roundabout and McGregor Road Roundabout
  • Upgrading the existing Yorkeys Knob roundabout with a 4-legged signalised intersection to cater for the addition of the bypass route traffic
  • Northbound left only exit ramp from the bypass route to Cattana Road
  • Upgrading of the Cairns Western Arterial Road (CWAR) roundabout with a signalised double right turn from CCH to CWAR
  • Exit and entry ramp to the proposed future designated road at the northern end of the bypass route connecting to McGregor Road
  • 2-lane bi-directional overpass at McGregor Road roundabout
  • Wide centre line treatment for improved safety
  • An off-road cycle path

smithfield-bypass-update-0618-1Source: Department of Transport and Main Roads

According to Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey, once construction is completed, motorists will be able to notice a decrease in travel time along the route.

“This is an exciting project that will also improve safety for motorists on this section of the Captain Cook Highway.

“By directing through traffic onto the new bypass road, motorists can expect to see improved traffic conditions and less congestion,” Mr Bailey said.

Construction of the Smithfield Bypass is expected to support up to 115 full-time jobs.

Mr Crawford added that the local economy will also benefit from this major road infrastructure project.

“As part of the tender process, it was important potential contractors could demonstrate their commitment to engaging local employees and businesses.

“I am pleased to see these important works awarded to a business that will support local families,” Mr Crawford said.

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Source: Queensland Government (1, 2)

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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