Preferred bidders announced for remaining stages of Eastern Freeway Upgrade

Monica Gameng   |   October 30, 2024
Artist impression of Eastern Freeway/North East Link tunnels interchange (cr: Victoria's Big Build)

The Eastern Freeway Upgrade in Victoria has marked another major milestone with two world-class consortia selected as preferred bidders for the remaining stages of the project. 

The Eastern Freeway overhaul will span from Hoddle Street to Springvale Road, featuring new express lanes, new traffic management technology and Melbourne’s first dedicated busway. Not only will these works slash travel times, but they will also help improve public transport in Melbourne’s east. 

This project will also include connecting the Eastern Freeway to the new North East Link tunnels in Bulleen, ultimately linking Melbourne’s east to the M80 Ring Road in Greensborough. 

Other works included in the upgrade include delivering new and upgraded walking and cycling paths, bridges and underpasses as well as upgrades to Koonung Creek Reserve, revitalisation of wetlands and waterways, and planting new trees and plants. 

A tougher noise standard and new and upgraded noise walls will also be delivered as part of the Eastern Freeway overhaul for better noise protection for residents in the area. 

The major upgrade of Eastern Freeway will be carried out in three stages, with the first stage – between Burke Road and Tram Road – already under construction. 

DPR-Aerial-from-Koonung-Creek-Reserve_1080pxArtist impression of the upgraded park and ride at Doncaster (source: Victoria's Big Build)

The Momentum consortium – comprised of John Holland, Seymour Whyte, Jacobs and Mott Macdonald – has been chosen as the preferred bidder for the Eastern Freeway upgrade between Hoddle Street and Burke Road. 

The consortium’s scope of works will include delivering new technology, additional lanes, connections to the Eastern Busway, and new walking and cycling paths including a dedicated bridge over the Yarra River. 

Meanwhile, the Synergy consortium has been selected as the preferred bidder to complete the Eastern Freeway upgrade between Tram Road and Springvale Road. The consortium is comprised of CPB Contractors, BMD Constructions and Arup. 

The scope of works for the Synergy consortium includes the delivery of express lanes, smart technology, upgraded noise walls and revitalisation of sections of the Koonung Creek Linear Park. 

The Nexus consortium – comprised of Laing O’Rourke Australia Construction Pty Ltd, Symal Infrastructure Pty Ltd, WSP Australia Pty Ltd and Arcadis Australia Pty Ltd – is delivering the first stage of works, which includes: 

  • Six new express lanes for faster, smoother trips 
  • New Eastern Busway lanes connecting with two park and rides at Bulleen and Doncaster 
  • 11 kilometres of walking and cycling paths 
  • 1.8 million new trees and plants 
  • 11 kilometres of new and upgraded noise walls 
  • 43,700 square metres of revitalised Valda Wetlands 

Major Road Projects Victoria will now work with the two preferred bidders ahead of contracts being awarded in 2025. 

The overall Eastern Freeway Upgrade is due to be completed in 2028. 

Source: Victoria’s Big Build – Eastern Freeway (1, 2, 3); Infrastructure Magazine; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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