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Plans revealed for Sydney Terminal Building revitalisation project

Written by Monica Gameng | Feb 15, 2023 1:43:29 AM

The plans to revitalise the Sydney Terminal Building have been updated and released for public feedback. The proposed revitalisation is part of the overall Central Precinct Renewal Program. 

The plans will help transform hidden spaces at the terminal building – including the storeroom and loading dock – into a multi-purpose event space and thriving marketplace, connecting areas that are previously inaccessible while also creating a world-class transport interchange. 

The environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Sydney Terminal Building Revitalisation project is now out on public display and it reflects early feedback on the need to improve wayfinding as well as accessibility, retail offerings and heritage restoration. 

The EIS outlines work on the loading dock, Grand Concourse, Booking Hall and the Central Electric Building. 

“Central Station is Sydney’s gateway to the regions. The magnificent colonnade and clocktower are a centerpiece of our state to be celebrated. 

“The sandstone walls of the Sydney Terminal Building have witnessed so many moments of Australian history, great and small. So many farewells and reunions that have formed the collective memory of NSW. 

“Heritage enhancements come with modernisation, introducing wi-fi connectivity, charging points for commuters and a brand-new event space for live music, public art and pop-up events,” Minister for Infrastructure Rob Stokes said. 

Artist impression of Eddy Avenue Plaza (source: Transport for NSW)

The proposed project will include: 

  • Revitalising and upgrading the Sydney Terminal Building, Eddy Avenue Colonnade, Eddy Avenue Plaza and Western Forecourt to improve the look and feel of Central Station, access to and within the building, and the ability to navigate through the space easily 
  • Changing the layout of shops within the holding dock area under the Western Forecourt 
  • Building additional high-quality shopfronts within the Eddy Avenue Plaza and the Central Electric Building 
  • Activating the space through the inclusion of commercial, cultural, entertainment and community uses that suit a transport station 
  • Moving and replacing utilities as required 

The revitalisation project will also prioritise the delivery of new and improved pedestrian connections, including new lifts, stairs and escalators that will provide direct and convenient pedestrian access. 

Artist impression of the new multi-purpose event space (source: Transport for NSW)

The community is encouraged to have their say on the Sydney Terminal Building EIS. Feedback can be provided from 8 February to 8 March 2023, more information on the EIS can be found on the NSW Planning website. 

Submissions from the community will help inform the decision for the project by the Minister for Planning. If approved, construction on the project could begin this year and take up to three years to complete. 

This project is going to be delivered as part of the Central Precinct Renewal Program that aims to renew about 24 hectares of land in and around Central Station, transforming it into an exciting space for business and the community. 

Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW (1, 2); Roads & Infrastructure Australia