Packer’s $2b Crown Casino given the green light

Kerri McGrath   |   June 29, 2016

James Packer's Crown Resorts has cleared the last hurdle in approvals for its $2b casino resort in Sydney. The NSW Government can now give the green light for construction. 

The Barangaroo development has been a controversial topic for Sydneysiders. Although it has received support from the NSW Government, many people have voiced concerns about a second casino in the city. 

The luxury six-star hotel will comprise 350 rooms and suites, apartments, restaurants, bars, shops, conference facilities and VIP gaming rooms.

The New South Wales Planning Assessment Commission approved the development subject to a list of modifications and condition, which it says gives the public good "a more equal status with the private good".

32.jpgArtist Impression of Central Barangaroo. Source: Crown Sydney

Concessions to the development include

  • reducing the bulk of the podium facing a public walkway
  • providing public access to an observation deck on the 65th floor of the 71-level tower
  • enlarging the park area near the resort complex 
  • widening the foreshore boardwalk from 21m to 30m promenade in addition to licensed areas

Tourism and Transport Forum Australia Chief Margy Osmond has said the development will enhance the appeal of Barangaroo, attracting tourists and creating jobs, apprenticeships, taxes and economic growth for NSW. 

Crown Resorts will move quickly to begin excavation work, with the casino's opening delayed until to 2021 due to delays in planning approvals. 

While we wait with everyone else to see how Crown Sydney pans out, one thing we know for sure is that there'll be plenty of consturction jobs with this one! Stay tuned to find out more as we do. 

Source: The Australian, The ABC

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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