More than 500 direct and indirect jobs are set to be created by a $125.6 million infrastructure project pipeline that will be fast-tracking the development of five projects in the Northern Territory.
“Creating local jobs is the number one priority of this Government.
“Our economy is driven by local business, and we will do everything we can to continue investing in jobs for Territorians,” Chief Minister Michael Gunner said.
The project pipeline will include:
The $25 million new Palmerston Fire Station that is set to meet the increasing demand for responsive emergency services in Palmerston and Coolalinga. This project is expected to create up to 180 direct and indirect jobs. The design and construction tender for this project will be released around June to September 2019; early works to begin by October; and project completion due in June 2021.
The $29 million Zuccoli Primary School Stage 2 which will deliver a new school to support the growth in resident numbers in the area. This project is anticipated to support up to 200 direct and indirect jobs. Release of the design and construction tender is expected from May to August 2019, with early works to begin by October and the school is anticipated to be ready for Term 1 in 2021.
The $50 million new Mandorah Marine Facilities that will improve the safety as well unlock development and tourism in and around the old Mandorah Jetty. Up to 80 direct and indirect jobs are expected to be supported by this project. The detail design tender for the project is expected to be released to market between February and March 2019 and the construction tender by May 2020. The project is due for completion by May 2022.
The $4.1 million fund for an additional 30 lots for Stage 2 of the Kilgariff housing project, ensuring the continuous supply of land for the Alice Springs market. The lots are expected to be ready for auction by the end of 2020.
$17.5 million for upgrades to the Litchfield National Park, including roadworks - to be delivered from May to December 2019 - and upgrades to campgrounds and other facilities - to be delivered from January to December 2020.
The State Government has also included the revitalisation of John Stokes Square in Nightcliff in addition to the five projects. The revitalisation will deliver three new public housing towers as well a new police station. Construction works on this project is expected to commence in October of this year and is set to support approximately 250 jobs.
These projects will be supporting local jobs and the Northern Territory’s construction industry.
What are your thoughts on these projects in the Northern Territory? Let us know in the comments section below.
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The contract to undertake dredging and construction works on the $127 million Cairns Shipping Development Project in Queensland has been awarded, marking a new major milestone on the project that will deliver vital channel upgrades to the Port of Cairns.
In mid-February, Infrastructure Australia released its annual Infrastructure Priority List which shows 121 vital infrastructure projects that will help build the nation. It includes eight high-priority and 10 priority projects as well as 29 high-priority and priority initiatives.
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