NSW's 2016-17 Budget grants $100m to $900m Westmead redevelopment

Kerri McGrath   |   June 16, 2016

In anticipation of the official release of the NSW 2016-17 budget on 21 June, it has been announced that the budget provides $100m towards to the $900m Westmead Redevelopment - $60.5m for the new Acute Services Building and $38.8m for the new carpark. 

Over $900m has been committed to the Westmead Redevelopment: 

      • $750m for Stage 1, due for completion in 2020 - take a look at the concept design video below. It includes new critical care services, new operating theatres, extra inpatient beds and a new emergency department.
      • $95m for The Childrens Hospital at Westmead
      • $72m for car parking, due for completion in mid-2017. The six-storey, 1,250-space carpark will increase campus capacity to over 5,400

The project is the biggest hospital development in NSW and, once completed, the 'health city' will boast the largest concentration of biomedical, scientific and healthcare-focused minds in the nation.

More than 12,000 people work and visit Westmead daily and consultation with local staff, clinicians and the community has been a key part of the design process. 

Up to 1,000 construction workers will be employed on-site each day at the peak of the redevelopment, with significant flow-on effects to the Western Sydney economy. 

With so much potential work in the pipeline, make sure you stay tuned to avoid missing any announcements. 

Source: NSW Govt

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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