NSW Western Distributor to receive vital upgrades to improve safety

Monica Gameng   |   September 29, 2022
Gantry on western approach to Anzac Bridge (cr: NSW Government)

Significant upgrades to help relieve congestion in areas in Pyrmont around the Western Distributor and Anzac Bridge are going to be delivered, which will ultimately improve safety as well as reliability for commuters and local motorists. 

The proposed scope of works include: 

  • Installation of three overhead gantries on the Anzac Bridge, which are in addition to the two gantries already planned 
  • All five gantries will integrate with the Smart Motorways program with electronic variable signage to allow for real-time adjustments to speed limits, support smoother traffic flow and reduce the impact of incidents on the network. Further work as part of the Smart Motorways program will continue on this part of the network in the future 
  • New access ramp from Fig Street to the Western Distributor to reduce the need for current and dangerous traffic weave movements at the Darling Harbour merge point 
  • Modifications at the Allen and Harris Street intersection to provide a third eastbound lane on Allen Street, as well as removing the southern pedestrian crossing to improve intersection efficiency 
  • Permanent parking removal in Allen and Harris streets 
  • Reconfiguring the Pyrmont Bridge Road off-ramp from one to two lanes 

j6vsacAerial view of new on-ramp at Darling Harbour (source: NSW Government)

The electronic variable speed signage that will be installed on the Anzac Bridge will eventually be integrated with Smart Motorways technology being introduced across Sydney’s road network. 

“This is a critical section of our road network that provides connections between the CBD and the western, eastern and northern suburbs of Sydney. 

“Over 100,000 motorists rely on this major artery each day and this is projected to continue to grow. 

“There are also around 100 crashes each year as motorists enter the Western Distributor at Darling Harbour and move across multiple lanes. 

“That is why it’s important that we deliver these improvements now to accommodate this growth, improve safety and help motorists move more efficiently around a key section of our road network,” Transport for NSW Deputy Secretary Camilla Drover said. 

75v0t7Driver view of Fig Street on-ramp (source: NSW Government)

Feedback from the community on the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is now being sought after. Interested parties can have their say here. 

Transport for NSW will carefully consider all feedback before making a final decision on the proposed upgrade. 

Subject to necessary approvals, construction on the project is anticipated to commence in the second quarter of 2023 and is estimated to take up to two years to complete. 

Source: Transport for NSW; NSW Government – Western Distributor Road Network Improvements (1, 2); NSW Government – Have Your Say 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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