Construction on the East and West sections of the $4.5 billion Great Western Highway in New South Wales is a step closer to commencing as community consultation gets underway for the final designs for this game-changing project.
This new milestone keeps the start of major works on the West section on track for early next year.
“The Great Western Highway upgrade is fast becoming a reality. This is another chance for the community to shape this legacy project by providing their feedback on the updated designs for both sections.
“Changes between Little Hartley and the Lithgow section will provide better connections that will make travelling between the east and west easier and safer, and will include improvements to service roads and a second over-bridge.
“Locals wanting to travel between Little Hartley and Victoria Pass will be able to cross over the upgraded highway without having to contend with the highway traffic,” Deputy Premier Paul Toole said.
Initial design for the West section to Mount Victoria (source: Great Western Highway Upgrade / West)
In addition to upgrades to the highway, a shared path that starts at an upgraded Berghofer’s Pass carpark and extends all the way to Hartley historic village will also be delivered, providing benefits to pedestrians and cyclists in the region.
The updated designs incorporate feedback from the community and these designs will be on display for further consultation until 20 November 2022.
The latest designs can be viewed on the NSW Roads website. Designs for the West section are also available at Lithgow City Council Administration Centre, Lithgow Library Learning Centre and Hartley Fresh & Café while designs for the East section are available at Blue Mountains City Council Administration Centre and Blackheath Community Centre.
Information sessions will also be held to give the community a chance to talk to the design team. More information can be found here.
“For the Katoomba to Blackheath ‘East’ section, one of the key design changes includes extending the carriageway towards Blackheath to improve connectivity and provide safer access between the upgraded highway and the existing Great Western Highway.
“An extension to the shared path access track has also been brought forward into the East section, connecting through to Valley View Road at Blackheath.
“The NSW Government are building the infrastructure that matters to make daily life easier for the thousands of motorists who use the Great Western Highway each day,” Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said.
Initial design for Explorers Road overpass (source: Great Western Highway Upgrade / East)
The Great Western Highway upgrade is divided into three sections, namely the Katoomba to Blackheath (East) section, Blackheath to Little Hartley (Central) section, and Little Hartley to Lithgow (West) section.
The East section is further divided into two smaller sections, with the initial concept designs as follows:
The initial concept for the Central section of the Great Western Highway upgrade will involve:
The initial concept for the West section, on the other hand, will include:
In July of this year, Registrations of Interest for the delivery of the East and West sections. You can read more about it here.
A contract was also awarded in September to Ausconnex for the delivery of early works as part of the West section of the Great Western Highway upgrade.
Source: NSW Government – Media Releases; Transport for NSW (1, 2, 3, 4)
The West section of the approximately $4.5 billion Great Western Highway Upgrade Program in New South Wales is moving forward towards construction as community consultation begins.
Another major milestone has been reached on the $4.5 billion Great Western Highway Upgrade Program in New South Wales with Registrations of Interest (ROI) now underway for the East and West Packages.
Construction on the approximately $4.5 billion Great Western Highway Upgrade Program in New South Wales is a step closer to commencing with the contract for early works awarded to Ausconnex.
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