NSW Govt commits $72.3bn to deliver safer, better transport infrastructure

Monica Gameng   |   September 25, 2023
Sydney skyline (cr: Wikipedia)

The Minns Labor Government has released its first Budget and it highlights a significant investment to build a safe, reliable, robust and sustainable transport system that will connect growing communities across New South Wales. 

The 2023-24 State Budget will allocate $72.3 billion over the next four years to deliver works that will improve road, train, metro, bus, ferry, light rail, and active transport options. Not only will this provide better transportation for locals and visitors, but it will also play a key role in helping the State Governments unlock more housing. 

The massive investment will deliver new and improved transport infrastructure, including: 

  • Investing an additional $1 billion in Sydney Metro City and Southwest to get thus project back on track after delays and cost blowouts left the project unable to be completed 
  • $7.9 billion over four years to deliver the Sydney Metro to Western Sydney Airport, with six new stations to service the future Western Sydney International Airport 
  • $302.7 million reserved for a Western Sydney rapid bus network to connect the communities of Penrith, Liverpool, Campbelltown to the future Western Sydney International Airport 
  • $300 million to upgrade train station car parks and make stations more accessible through the installation of new lifts, ramps and footbridges 
  • $200 million reserved to expedite the planning for the procurement, construction and delivery of Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 for Western Sydney 
  • $71.1 million to return Freshwater Class ferries to the Circular Quay-Manly route 
  • $43 million for seven new Australian-made Parramatta River Class ferries 
  • $15.8 million for Transport for NSW to invest in the Public Transport Information and Priority System to improve real time bus tracking for passengers. This investment will help end “ghost buses” and improve the reliability and confidence of passengers and was a key recommendation of the Bus Industry Taskforce Report 
  • $60 million in additional investment for active transport infrastructure. This will enable local councils to deliver projects that expand cycleway networks and increase opportunity for walking, including in greenfield developments in Western Sydney 

“A safe, reliable and sustainable transport system is essential to enabling NSW communities to thrive as it is proven to deliver great economic, social and environmental benefits. 

“These city-shaping transport infrastructure projects in NSW not only create tens of thousands of jobs during construction but, once complete, provide a vital connection for communities and reduce congestion on our busy roads. 

“It is critical that we increase the capacity of the rail network to meet growing demand, with faster and more frequent and reliable services. 

“Greater use of public transport will be key to reducing emissions in our communities, while also supporting improved health outcomes – one commuter train takes 578 cars off the road,” Australasian Railway Association (ARA) CEO Caroline Wilkie said. 

The multi-billion-dollar funding commitment will also deliver works that will ensure roads used by regional communities are reliable, safe and accessible. This includes: 

  • $1.4 billion for the delivery of a new regional rail fleet to replace the ageing regional fleet 
  • $390 million to establish the Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund to support regional councils in managing existing roads and prioritising works based on the needs of their communities, particularly those damaged by natural disasters 
  • $334 million to establish the Regional Roads Fund to build new roads in rural and regional areas 
  • $333.9 million to replace ageing timber bridges through the Fixing Country Bridges program, providing improvements to regional bus services and supporting councils through the Fixing Local Roads Program 
  • $95.9 million for the Fixing Country Rail program, to deliver improved capacity and reliability to the regional rail network and deliver a highly functional network for moving freight in and out of regional areas 
  • $29.4 million to plan for the transition of fleet to Zero Emission buses, including trials, analysis and development 
  • $20.2 million to continue the Transport Connected Bus Program 
  • $10 million to improve the network of heavy vehicle rest stops across regional NSW 

“RA (Roads Australia) is pleased to see the Minns Government’s first Budget largely continuing NSW’s commitment to infrastructure delivery at an uncertain time for the economy, while charting a pathway back to surplus. 

“It is pleasing to see investment in the regional road network and funding for building resilience across Western Sydney in the wake of significant natural disasters. 

“As we await the outcomes of State and Federal reviews, this Budget will provide the industry with a level of certainty around NSW’s infrastructure build,” Roads Australia CEO Ehssan Veiszadeh said. 

Source: NSW Government – Media Releases (1, 2); Roads Australia; Australasian Railway Association 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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