The next stage of the Augusta Highway Duplication between Port Wakefield and Lochiel in South Australia is ready for construction following the appointment of a contractor to deliver the project.
The contract to undertake works was awarded to the Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Alliance, which is comprised of CPB Contractors, Aurecon Australasia and GHD along with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.
“CPB Contractors is highly experienced in delivering road projects across Australia. Under the Alliance, we will work with the local community to ensure the project delivers important safety and efficiency gains with a minimum of disruption to road users,” CIMIC Group Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Juan Santamaria said.
“We will work closely with the South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport to safely deliver this important upgrade. Drawing on the local knowledge acquired in delivering the Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication Project, we will ensure that economic, employment and training opportunities for the local regional communities are maximised,” CPB Contractors Managing Director Jason Spears said.
The project will deliver a new two-lane carriageway to duplicate the existing highway along with intersection / junction treatments between the intersections of the Port Wakefield Highway, Copper Coast Highway and Augusta Highway and the township of Lochiel.
Earlier this month, the Australian Government committed over $200 million to get the ball rolling on the Princes Highway – Augusta Highway Duplication Stages 1 and 2 projects – which includes the project between Port Wakefield and Lochiel.
“This news is confirmation of the Federal Government’s commitment to providing a dual lane highway to meet the ever-expanding traffic loads.
“I am absolutely stoked this project is going ahead. It is one I have been calling for, for some time.
“Excitingly, it also includes an allocation to undertake advance planning for the duplication of the section between Crystal Brook and Port Pirie, which will be very welcome news to local residents, who sometimes use this section of road for multiple trips per day,” Federal Member for Grey Rowan Ramsey said.
Once completed, the duplicated highway will provide safer journeys, reduced travel times, improved access for high productivity vehicles as well as improved reliability and network reliance of the Augusta Highway.
The Augusta Highway Duplication – Port Wakefield to Lochiel project is due to be completed in 2023.
While works are getting underway to deliver this stage of the project, planning will also progress on the project that will duplicate the Augusta Highway between Port Pirie and Crystal Brook.
“The State and Federal Liberal Governments are delivering on their shared intention to install dual lanes from Port Wakefield to Port Augusta.
“With work having already commenced on the two Port Wakefield to Lochiel sections, it makes sense to focus next on Port Pirie to Crystal Brook which is so important for local people,” Deputy Premier and Member for Stuart Dan van Holst Pellekaan said.
Source: CPB Contractors; CIMIC Group; Dan VHP – News; The Transcontinental Port Augusta; Government of South Australia – Department for Infrastructure and Transport (1, 2)
The South Australian Government has awarded CPB Contractors, together with Aurecon Australasia and GHD, the contract to deliver three major projects under the Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Regional Projects Alliance (RPA).
The $260 million Augusta Highway Duplication project in South Australia has officially commence major construction activities following the appointment of a contractor to undertake the works last month.
Works to deliver four new overtaking lanes are now underway along the Eyre Highway and Lincoln Highway in South Australia to provide motorists in the Eyre Peninsula better connections and safer journeys along these routes.
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