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New milestone reached on $280m Swan River Crossings project in WA

Written by Monica Gameng | Aug 25, 2022 1:43:35 AM

The Swan River Crossings project in Western Australia is closer to construction after a final concept plan is released, which highlights how the project is going to transform a key gateway into Fremantle. 

This project is being delivered as part of the State Government’s major revitalisation of the waterfront precincts in Fremantle. 

“The Swan River Crossings project has been talked about for many years and we are now well on the way to delivering a project where community input has clearly influenced the outcome. 

“It is very exciting to see a design that responds to the community’s aspirations for more open spaces and considered urban design,” WA Transport, Planning and Ports Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Artist impression of the bridge from Canning Highway and Naval Store (source: Main Roads WA)

The new design for the Swan River Crossings will include: 

  • Removing the signalised intersection at Canning Highway and Queen Victoria Street 
  • Realigning Canning Highway from East Street to travel down under the new bridge before connecting to Beach Street at a new signalised intersection at Gate 3 
  • Prioritising journeys into Fremantle via Queen Victoria Street while also promoting more direct, free-flowing journeys into the harbour city 
  • Beach Street east of the bridge to become a cul-de-sac 
  • Construction of a 4-metre-wide standard pedestrian and cyclist path on the western side of the new traffic bridge and a 3-metre-wide shared path on the eastern side of the new traffic bridge 
  • Higher and wider clearance under the bridge to improve navigational safety for river users 

“The new Fremantle bridge is a once-in-a-century project with multiple benefits. It will ensure that road, rail, pedestrian, and cycle traffic flow more smoothly, and the surrounding area will be revitalised with more space and better access around heritage places like Cantonment Hill,” Federal Member for Fremantle Josh Wilson said. 

“Our Government is undertaking significant work to revitalise Fremantle, and the Swan River Crossings project is going to be a critical part of how we transform our harbour city in the future,” State Member for Fremantle Simone McGurk said. 

“Not only will this project deliver significantly improved rail and traffic bridges into Fremantle, it will improve the way people enter Fremantle from Canning Highway,” State Member for Bicton Lisa O’Malley said. 


The project will also include opportunities for urban landscaping, heritage interpretation as well as community connection for an area in from of the existing Naval Store. This will include utilising the existing timber pylons on the current bridge. 

The realigned Canning Highway is expected to create a new direct connection into Victoria Quay and it aligns with the recently released draft Fremantle Harbours Master Plan that will revitalise and connect all the area’s waterfront precincts. 

“The Swan River Crossings project will create the new gateway to Fremantle, providing a direct link into the revitalised and bustling Victoria Quay. 

“It will build on the area’s unique heritage to develop a new public space at the Naval Store, linking up with Fremantle’s other waterfront precincts as they undergo a major redevelopment over coming years,” Premier Mark McGowan said. 

Architects along with local urban designers are continuing to guide the project with development of an Architectural Urban and Landscaping Design framework. The early concept has been presented to the Heritage Council, the State Design Review Panel as well as key stakeholders. 

Over the coming months, discussions regarding development approvals will continue. 

The $280 million Swan River Crossings, which is one of Fremantle’s most significant infrastructure projects, is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, each contributing $140 million. 

“The $280 million Swan River Crossings project is an investment in the future of Fremantle. 

“The Swan River Crossings project will replace the Fremantle Traffic Bridge, improve cycling and pedestrian paths, increase passenger and freight rail capacity, and improve navigational safety of river users. 

“Our commitment to investing in transport infrastructure will provide opportunities for local business and create local jobs,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said. 

Source: Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Main Roads Western Australia