New milestone keeps Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal on track

Monica Gameng   |   September 8, 2023
METRONET level crossing removal (cr: METRONET)

The transformational METRONET Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal project has reached a critical milestone as preparations for major construction continue to progress. 

The entire overhead rail structure is now complete and is ready to be transported to site. The structure is made up of more than 500 pre-cast L-beams with a total length of four kilometres, and each beam weighs approximately 130 tonnes. 

The beams are going to be transported to the Armadale Train Line corridor from two locations. Once on-site, the beams are going to be lifted into place by custom-made gantry cranes that have been imported from Italy. Installation of the L-beams will require a total of four gantry cranes. 

Assembly of the overhead rail structure will require two L-beams to be joined together to form a trough where the trains will run on the line.

The Western Australian Government is conducting a competition to name two gantry cranes that will be used on the project. For those interested in submitting names for the gantry cranes, you can do so here. Submissions are welcome until 10 September.

“Preparation is currently the number one priority for this transformational project, and the completion of more than 500 L-beams is a significant milestone. 

“The entire overhead rail structure for the METRONET Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal project is now complete, meaning that once the old line has been removed, we’ll be ready to begin installing straight away. 

“The precast materials for the elevated rail are being produced locally, which is providing jobs and economic benefit for Western Australians,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

This METRONET project will deliver Perth’s first major elevated rail that is designed to improve safety as well as create new and versatile public space for the community while reducing congestion along the corridor. 

The project will be removing six level crossings along the Armadale Line including Mint Street, Oat Street, Welshpool Road, Hamilton Street, Wharf Street and William Street. New modern elevated stations will also be built at Carlisle, Oats Street, Queens Park, Cannington and Beckham, and Welshpool Station is going to be closed permanently. 

The Victoria Park-Canning Level Crossing Removal project is part of the overall transformation of the 130-year-old Armadale Line that also includes the Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Byford Rail Extension projects.

The State Government recently announced the temporary shutdown of the Armadale Line from November 2023 until mid-2025 to enable major works to be carried out on the three METRONET projects. You can read more about the Armadale Line shutdown here. 

Together, the three METRONET projects that will transform the Armadale Line are estimated to create thousands of jobs. 

“We know there is significant benefit on the horizon, but a period of disruption to get there, and we thank the community in advance their patience. 

“This project will transform the rail corridor with seven new stations, an extension of the line to Byford, and of source more than six-hectares of new public open space for the community to enjoy,” Minister Saffioti said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; METRONET (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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