New METRONET Midland Station project secures development approval

Monica Gameng   |   June 23, 2023
Artist impression of the new Midland Station (cr: METRONET)

The METRONET New Midland Station project in Western Australia has secured development approval, securing Midland’s growth as a “vibrant mixed-use Transit Oriented Development Precinct”. 

The development approval green lights the construction of the new METRONET station, bus interchange and multi-storey car park. 

“I welcome the announcement made today on development applications being approved for METRONET Midland Train Station, Bus Interchange and Multi-storey Carpark. 

“The delivery of this new train station and surrounding assets will continue the revitalisation of Midland and transform the heart of our community into a dynamic Regional Centre,” Midland MLA Michelle Roberts said. 

By relocating and replacing the existing Midland Station and associated infrastructure, the community will be provided with improved connections to the existing retail areas in addition to the quality new infrastructure at the New Midland Station. 

The project is also expected to open more opportunities for new investment and deliver a boost to local businesses while improving accessibility and providing new pedestrian and cycling connections. 

Midland station web-3Artist impression of the new station (source: METRONET)

The New Midland Station project will include: 

  • A new 12-stand bus interchange 
  • Five-storey car park with more than 800 parking bays 
  • Secure bike parking 
  • Lifts and stairs 

The design of the new multi-storey car park will free up land for future residential and mixed-use developments around the new bus interchange which, in turn, will allow for more people to reside and work close to the station. 

“The approval of this development application marks an important milestone in another METRONET project, and a program of works that is delivering new transport infrastructure for communities across our city. 

“The new METRONET Midland Station will include a new 12-stand bus interchange, a multi-storey car park with more than 800 bays as well as new cycling and pedestrian routes to get to the station. 

“Importantly, we’re opening new land for redevelopment which will help to encourage the establishment of new businesses in the area, more people living near Midland Station and the revitalisation of the heart of Midland,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Midland-Station-MapProject map (source: METRONET)

This project will incorporate sustainable design principles and will reflect the Aboriginal culture, heritage and industrial character in the area through utilising materials, artwork and architecture. 

Landscape design for the New Midland Station will include a number of ‘pocket parks’ that feature local native and waterwise plant species as well as various new tree plantings. 

In addition, the project will connect the rail line to the new Bellevue Railcar Manufacturing and Maintenance Facility, further boosting employment in Midland. 

The METRONET New Midland Station is a vital part of an exciting urban renewal program in Midland that will transform the city to include a new revitalised urban village, a world-class health and education hub along with new shopping options and high-quality transit links. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; METRONET (1, 2); Infrastructure Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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