New Barron River Bridge proposed to be built at Kuranda Range

Monica Gameng   |   July 26, 2024
Barron River Bridge (cr: QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads)

The Miles Labor Government is proposing to build a new bridge over the Barron River at Kuranda Range as part of its election commitment. 

This proposal is also backed by a $450 million investment commitment and significant support from Barron River MP Craig Crawford. 

“Local MP Craig Crawford has told me how much his community needs and wants this new crossing, and I’m proud that we can make this commitment to them today. 

“We are doing the work right now to ensure this new crossing meets the needs of this growing region, while also protecting the beautiful heritage protected rainforest that surrounds it. 

“With a $450 million funding commitment, my government will build this bridge to keep the Far North connected,” Premier Steven Miles said. 

The proposed new Barron River Bridge will replace the existing river crossing that was opened in 1963. Once the new structure is completed, the old bridge is going to be removed. 

The new Barron River Bridge project will include: 

  • A new alignment, downstream of the current bridge 
  • Concrete balanced cantilever design 
  • Two wider traffic lanes to meet latest design standards 
  • Protected active transport connections for pedestrians and bike riders 

web-ARTIST IMPRESSION-new-barron-river-bridgeArtist impression of the proposed new Barron River Bridge (source: Queensland Government)

Construction is due to begin in the next term of government and based on Transport and Main Roads advice, the project is expected to be completed by 2031. 

“I have listened to my community, and now a re-elected Miles Labor Government will deliver. 

“Barron River Bridge is a critical piece of infrastructure for communities across Far North Queensland,” Member for Barron River Craig Crawford said. 

“The Barron River Bridge is a critical piece of infrastructure for communities across Far North Queensland. 

“I am proud to have listened to my community and that a re-elected Miles Labor Government will deliver a new bridge at the Kuranda Range. 

“I know how important the Barron River Bridge is to communities in the Far North, so I’m proud we are now making this $450 million commitment,” Member for Cook Cynthia Lui said. 

This project builds on the significant investment from the Queensland Government in the Kennedy Highway, Kuranda Range Road and Barron River Bridge. 

The recently announced State Budget also included a $15 million investment towards preconstruction works for the New Barron River Bridge. 

The Miles and Albanese Labor Governments further invests $262 million to deliver safety and resilience upgrades along Kuranda Range Road, with the scope of works still under development. The works could include protective barriers and guardrails, shoulder widening, wide centre line treatments, Intelligent Transport Systems, vegetation management and slope stability treatments at strategic locations. 

Furthermore, almost $40 million was also invested to deliver intelligent transport solutions on the range – completed in March of this year. This system helps to rapidly detect and manage incidents on the range and provide real time information from the range back to Transport and Main Roads. 

“A build this size will take time, but Queenslanders can trust that a re-elected Miles Labor Government will deliver. 

“My department has been hard at work laying the foundations for a new bridge over Barron River, and I’m advised this is the best solution for the area. 

“Investigations, assessments, and maintenance will be ongoing to ensure the current bridge is fit and safe for purpose while we plan for the future,” Minister for Transport and Main Roads Bart Mellish said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Big Rigs 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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