New $332m investment on WA Geraldton Port works to create 2700 jobs

Monica Gameng   |   May 25, 2022
Geraldton Port (cr: Mid West Ports Authority on LinkedIn)

Through the 2022-23 State Budget, the Western Australian Government is investing $332 million towards Mid West Ports Authority’s Port Maximisation Project that will enable the Geraldton Port to meet increasing demands for services. 

The project is going to be delivered over the next four years and it will facilitate growth by enabling Mid West Ports Authority to increase trade to 15Mtpa to 25Mtpa by 2026. 

The Port Maximisation Project will see new trades from 11 new customers as well as their diverse product mix of material, supported through a combination of debottlenecking and works such as: 

  • Demolition and reconstruction of the berth ½ with associated ship loading and material handling infrastructure, to facilitate the sand, urea and spodumene products, that are incompatible with iron ore and requires dedicated facilities 
  • The removal of unused legacy assets which currently inhibit port expansion opportunities 
  • 2 Truck unloaders (one with an associated storage shed to enable the assembly of cargoes) 
  • The relocation of the tug boat harbour (current tug boat harbour can only accommodate the current 3 tugs) 
  • The relocation of pilot boats and associated land based workshop/offices 
  • Rationalisation of port infrastructure to reduce operational maintenance costs 
  • Road works (to facilitate the significant increase in truck movements 
  • Other associated infrastructure, such as additional vessels, operations precinct, maintenance facilities and shore tension units 

This multi-million-dollar project is anticipated to create over 2,700 jobs during its construction and hundreds of indirect jobs as well as opportunities for local subcontractors. 

“Mid West Ports Authority has been experiencing substantial growth for port services, with projected demand increasing. This is why the McGowan Government has invested $332 million to meet this demand and create further investment opportunity. 

“This region has long been associated with grain and iron ore exports, however, the region is becoming a valuable supplier of mineral sands, metal concentrates and silica sand in a rising global market. 

“Our investment is going to support greater diversification at the Port, increased resilience, greater growth, and create more than 2,700 jobs. It will provide essential capacity for emerging Mid-West exporters to reach lucrative international markets,” Ports Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

Increasing the port’s trade capacity by 10Mtpa will provide a big opportunity for prospective customers, with several works included in the Port Maximisation Project accelerated to take advantage of commodity prices. 

For future tender opportunities, potential suppliers who wish to express their interest in getting involved in the Port Maximisation Project development are encouraged to fill out and submit an application here.

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Mid West Ports; Dredging Today 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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