More works get underway on $344m Great Northern Highway in WA

Monica Gameng   |   November 16, 2019

Western Australia’s $344.75 million Great Northern Highway upgrade between Muchea and Wubin is progressing well, with works now underway on upgrade projects at Walebing and Wubin.

Central Earthmoving Pty Ltd has been appointed to deliver the works, which is anticipated to be completed by mid-2020.

“These sections of work form a strategic component of the longer-term enhancements, improving freight efficiency and road safety on one of the most important highways in Western Australia,” Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack said.

Great Nortern Highway Muchea to Wubin MapSource: Main Roads WA

The Walebing and Wubin upgrades will include:

  • Construction of a new 4.5-kilometre highway through Walebing, with the existing highway to be repurposed as local access roads
  • Upgrade of intersections with Midlands Road and Old Geraldton Road
  • Upgrade to the Great Northern Highway intersection in Wubin to allow future southern access for 53.5m road trains, access to local facilities and the Road Train Assembly Area

“The upgrade in Wubin and the removal of the tight curve at Walebing are further key steps to achieving this benefit for the freight industry,” Federal member for Durack Melissa Price said.

Walebing Map - April 2018Source: Main Roads WA

In addition, Central Earthmoving’s contract includes an incentivised Aboriginal participation scheme that encourages the employment of Aboriginal people as well as utilisation of Aboriginal businesses.

Through this project, about five Aboriginal persons will have the opportunity for full-time work and approximately 12 per cent of the contract value will be spent on Aboriginal businesses.

“We are continuing to improve the safety, efficiency, access and amenity of this important link between Perth and the State’s north.

“On completion of the Walebing, Wubin and Muchea works, a total of eight packages will see 92 km of Great Northern Highway upgraded,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.

The Great Northern Highway upgrade is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, each contributing $275.8 million and $68.95 million respectively.

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Source: Government of Western Australia; Main Roads WA

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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