More works added to future M12 Motorway project in NSW

Monica Gameng   |   March 14, 2021
M12 Motorway (cr: Transport for NSW)

Improvements to the design of the future M12 Motorway in New South Wales have been revealed, with the design changes expected to provide greater connectivity for local communities in addition to a smooth and direct access to the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport. 

The changed design will now include two new connections to the Sydney road network: 

  • Elizabeth Drive – near the existing Elizabeth Drive and M7 interchange 
  • Airport entry – via Elizabeth Drive and the new M12 Airport Access road 

The new connections will not only provide greater connectivity for the local community, but it will also improve access as well as give drivers an additional toll-free option. 

“Major work is expected to start in 2022 and be completed prior to the Western Sydney International Airport opening in 2026. 

“Construction procurement for the M12 will start soon with the release of a registration of interest,” Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts Paul Fletcher MP said. 

According to New South Wales Minister for Transport and Roads Andrew Constance MP, these changes to the design of M12 was the result of community feedback. 

“The M12 is more than just a road to the airport. It’s the east-west spine for the Aerotropolis precinct that will better connect Western Sydney to the rest of the city and beyond. 

“The M12 Motorway will support more than 2,000 direct and indirect jobs during its delivery, and provide safer and faster access to employment hubs across Western Sydney,” Mr Constance said. 

Additional funding of approximately $286 million is required for the delivery of the new connections and this is going to be jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Governments. 

The two levels of government are working together to deliver significant infrastructure projects that will support the new airport at Badgerys Creek. 

“The M12, combined with the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport and the new Sydney Metro, will link residential areas with job hubs and connect travellers with the rest of Sydney. 

“The M12 will open with two lanes in each direction and be future-proofed to allow an extra lane to be added each way to cater for future growth and development,” New South Wales Member for Mulgoa Tanya Davies said. 

Prior to the inclusion of the two new connections, the M12 Motorway design includes: 

  • An east-west 16-kilometre motorway between the M7 Motorway, Cecil Hills and The Northern Road, Luddenham 
  • A motorway built for four lanes (with provisions for up to six lanes) with a median to separate opposing traffic flows 
  • A direct connection to Western Sydney International Airport 
  • A new connection to The Northern Road with traffic lights 
  • A motorway-to-motorway interchange at the M7 Motorway 
  • Provision for a future interchange connecting Mamre Road and Devonshire Road at the M12 Motorway 

“Improving access to the Western Sydney International Airport means our local small businesses can showcase their Aussie-made products to Australia and the world. 

“We're delivering the road upgrades our community needs so they spend less time in traffic, and more time doing what matters most. It will also get people to where they are going quicker and safer,” Federal Member for Lindsay Melissa McIntosh said. 

Source: Transport for NSW (1, 2

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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