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More upgrades for WA's Great Northern Highway

Written by Monica Gameng | Sep 18, 2017 2:00:00 PM

A $131.68 million investment has been allotted to further improve the Great Northern Highway in Western Australia. This project will be upgrading three sections of the highway between Muchea and Wubin.

According to Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester, this project – which will improve safety and productivity of freight on the highway – is a major priority for the Australian Government’s investment for Western Australian infrastructure.

“The Australian Government has committed $275.8 million in total to upgrade the Muchea to Wubin corridor, keeping economically crucial regional areas connected to Perth by enabling safer, more efficient passage of road trains,” Mr Chester said.

WA Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti said that this project will be upgrading three priority sections around the Muchea North, Pithara and Miling areas.

“The works will include widening and new overtaking lanes, as well as bypasses and other realignments. Together, these upgrades will improve traffic safety and efficiency for our freight operators by better separating cars and trucks, and upgrading the highway to current design standards,” Ms Saffioti said.

Federal Member for Durack Melissa Price said that once all upgrades are completed, road trains will be able to travel approximately 220 kilometres closer to Perth and decoupling their loads in Muchea.

“Completing the corridor strategy will deliver a high-standard freight route from just north of Wubin to Muchea, where a new road train assembly area will be built, and around Perth, ultimately connecting with NorthLink WA and Gateway WA, and offering a boost to industry sectors that rely on freight,” Ms Price said.

Construction on the 37.6-kilometre, three-section upgrade is set to commence by early 2018 and is expected to be completed by June 2019, weather permitting.

Source: Minister for Infrastructure and Transport