More than $100m invested to improve flood-prone WA roads & bridges

Monica Gameng   |   December 16, 2023

Roads and bridges impacted by flood in the Kimberley region of Western Australia will receive much-needed upgrades to make the infrastructure more resilient to floods and storms. 

The Australian and Western Australian Governments are jointly committing $104.9 million towards the Infrastructure Betterment Program – the first of its kind in the State – through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA). 

“Our Kimberley road network is vital for freight, transport and tourism, and this funding will help future proof this critical infrastructure for generations to come. 

“Importantly, a significant portion of the works to build back better will be completed by local workers and businesses. 

“I am grateful to the Albanese Government for their support in this project, which is the first fo its kind in Western Australia,” Premier Roger Cook said. 

The betterment program will deliver works to make essential public road infrastructure that were damaged by the record-breaking flooding during ex-Tropical Cyclone Ellie stronger and more resilient, enabling them to withstand future natural disasters. 

“I welcome this Australian Government commitment to deliver upgrades like these to improve flood resilience, reliability and capacity for roads and bridges in the Kimberley region. 

“This program is just another example of what can be achieved when federal and state governments work together to improve dependability and safety for all road users and I’m pleased to see upgrades from this program already in use,” Federal Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Catherine King said. 

The new Fitzroy River Bridge that was just officially opened is the first project to be completed under the program. Upgrades to damaged sections of the Great Northern Highway as well as Gibb River Road are also underway. In addition, the Infrastructure Betterment Program will support the betterment of impacted local government road networks to safeguard them against natural hazards in the future. 

“In less than 12 months since the devastating flooding event cut off communities, this betterment program is already seeing essential road infrastructure built back stronger and more resilient. 

“The program is about helping to improve the public road network and other critical assets so communities aren’t impacted as severely when more frequent weather events strike. 

“The Albanese Government will continue to work with the Cook Government to deliver disaster recovery funding initiatives when needed,” Federal Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt said. 

Betterment works will help drive down repetitious damage to flood-prone essential public assets while also lowering reconstruction costs, saving money for all levels of government and reduce disruptions to the community in the long run. 

The works to be undertaken through this program will complement the approximately $450 million repair and rebuild works – also jointly funded by the Federal and State governments – carried out on flood-damaged roads and bridges. 

“The upgrades will not only help reduce future impacts on communities in the Kimberley region, but also reduce the costs of recovery when the next natural hazard occurs,” WA Minister for Emergency Services Stephen Dawson said. 

“I want to thank the Federal Government for their engagement and financial support on key projects like the new Fitzroy River Bridge, which is bigger and stronger than the original bridge and will open to traffic this Sunday, only seven months after the old bridge was demolished,” WA Minister for Transport Rita Saffioti said. 

“Roads in the Kimberley need to be resilient to withstand some of the most extreme weather conditions in the country,” Member for Kimberley Divina D’Anna said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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