More QLD Bruce Highway safety works to get underway this year

Monica Gameng   |   July 9, 2020

More vital upgrades are set to be delivered on Queensland’s Bruce Highway, with works to begin in August on the $29.2 million safety package on a 7.3-kilometre section of the highway between Hechts Road and Easter Creek, south of Ingham. 

“This package of works at Bambaroo, about 90 kilometres north of Townsville, will deliver vital improvements to road safety on several sections of the highway, benefitting motorists travelling between Townsville and Ingham. 

“The result will be a wider, safer highway with improved visibility and access, better overtaking opportunities and a reduced risk of head-on collisions for motorists,” Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said. 

This project is expected to support up to 50 jobs during its construction, including opportunities for local contractors and businesses in the supply chain. 

Approximately $140 million has been committed for the delivery of major upgrades to the Bruce Highway between Townsville and Ingham in the next few years. 

“This is the latest jointly-funded investment to upgrade the Bruce Highway north of Townsville. 

“Later this year, works are expected to be wrapped up on a $24.9 million package to upgrade intersections and build new overtaking lanes at Bluewater. 

“We also expect to call construction tenders for the jointly funded $107.7 million Townsville Northern Access intersection Upgrade project that will duplicate the highway between Veales Road and Pope Road, including a new bridge over Black River,” Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said. 

MAP_BambarooProject map (source: Department of Transport and Main Roads)

This $29.2 million safety package will include: 

  • 7.3 kilometres of pavement widening and installation of wide centre line treatment between Hechts Road and Easter Creek 
  • Safety improvements at four Bruce Highway intersections – Catastis Road, Scrubview Road, Jourama Falls Road and Yuruga Road 
  • North and southbound overtaking lanes – on a separated carriageway – between Little Gin Creek and Water View Creek 

The contract to deliver this project was recently awarded to BMD Constructions. 

The Australian Government is fully funding the $12.2 million for the overtaking lanes through the $307.83 million Bruce Highway Overtaking Lanes Program. On the other hand, the remaining $16.97 million will be jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments on an 80:20 basis. 

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Source: Queensland Government; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Queensland Department of Trasport and Main Roads 

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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