More funding to get more works going on NSW Great Western Hwy Upgrade

Monica Gameng   |   November 9, 2022
Great Western Highway Kelso to Raglan (cr: Transport for NSW)

An additional $28 million has been allocated by the New South Wales Government towards the major upgrade of the Great Western Highway between Kelso and Raglan. 

This new funding commitment will bring the total investment in the project to $73 million, which will deliver works that will make the highway more resilient against extreme weather conditions and provide benefits to motorists. 

“This section of highway is the gateway to Bathurst – and too often the congestion is making the journey challenging for more than 10,000 vehicles that use it every day. 

“Major work to improve safety and traffic flow is continuing to widen the road shoulder and travel lanes. 

“Widening work along with the re-establishment of the avenue of trees lining the road is on track for completion by mid-2023, with the entire project expected to be finished in December 2023,” Deputy Premier and Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said. 

This multi-million-dollar project will include: 

  • Two lanes in each direction from Ashworth Drive to Napoleon Street 
  • Two lanes eastbound and one lane westbound from Napoleon Street to the east of Ceramic Avenue 
  • Safer turning paths at intersections with the highway 
  • Removing the right turn from the Highway into property accesses to improve safety and reduce the risk of collision 
  • Installing traffic lights at the PJ Moodie intersection to improve access and safety 
  • Installation of a shared footpath from Ashworth Drive to Eugenie Street 

“With this additional funding we will be able to upgrade the road surface to install a heavy duty asphalt pavement rather than the granular pavement that was initially planned. 

“This will ensure a more resilient road surface for all road users and will reduce ongoing maintenance costs by helping to limit the impacts of extreme weather. 

“Work to install a section of this upgraded road surface started this month with more than 22,000 tonnes surf to be installed by December, with traffic to be moved on to the new 2.5 kilometre section before Christmas,” Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said. 

gwh-kelso-raglan-upgrade-mapProject map (source: Transport for NSW)

The duplication of the Great Western Highway at the eastern entrance to Bathurst will help improve traffic flow as well as reduce travel times. 

Approximately $15 million of the funding will be utilised to convert the footpath beside the highway from a sprayed seal to concrete. Works will also include foundation treatments to better manage the impacts of wet weather. 

The next steps on the project will include switching traffic to the new road surface between Napoleon Street and Ceramic Avenue, which enables upgrade works to the western lane to begin. 

Construction of stormwater drainage on the southern side of the highway will also commence along with earthworks west of Napoleon Street. 

This Great Western Highway upgrade project is anticipated to support 150 jobs. 

Source: Transport for NSW (1, 2); NSW Government – Media Releases; Infrastructure Magazine; Roads & Infrastructure Australia 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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