A major upgrade on the Moorebank Avenue / M5 Motorway interchange in New South Wales has been proposed to improve traffic flow and safety.
This project will also increase the road’s capacity for freight movements as growth continues on the Moorebank Intermodal and its surrounding precincts.
Transport for NSW is undertaking a redesign of this busy interchange to help alleviate the pinch point while also catering for future freight growth.
A recommended design for the project has been released and it includes:
Transport for NSW said in a statement: “The proposed two-lane westbound M5 Motorway exit for Hume Highway traffic will see a new underpass beneath Moorebank Avenue as well as a two-lane 290 metre long bridge over the Georges River, Southern Sydney Freight Line, and Main Southern Passenger Rail Line.
“Heading east on the M5, Transport for NSW proposed an upgrade to the exit to Moorebank Avenue while a new dedicated exit will be constructed for westbound traffic wanting to connect with the Hume Highway, complete with active transport infrastructure.
“This improvement will provide a better design to help separate freight vehicles exiting around Liverpool from the through traffic.”
Other works such as widening and reinstatement will also be carried out to support the interchange upgrade.
Six separate work sites have been proposed by Transport for NSW to be concurrently operated to enable the project to be completed within 40 months from the beginning of construction.
The existing interchange currently accommodates over 3,800 vehicles an hour at peak times and the upgrade will help bust congestion while providing better infrastructure for the local area.
The project is estimated to support up to 400 direct and indirect jobs over its life.
The environmental impact statement of the proposed upgrade is now up for viewing and people are encouraged to view and leave their feedback.
Source: Transport for NSW (1, 2); NSW Government – Have Your Say