Managing contractor for $250m North Queensland Stadium announced

Monica Gameng   |   May 1, 2017

Watpac Constructions has been named as the managing contractor for the $250 million North Queensland Stadium. According to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the project is expected to involve up to 2,000 Townsville locals in contracts relating to the construction of the stadium.

“This is going to be a massive job creator here in Townsville.

“It’s a game changer that will increase tourism to the region, increase investment, revitalise the city of Townsville and it is a vital part of our Townsville City,” the Prime Minister said.

Over 80 per cent of the hours spent constructing the stadium will be done by local workers, as committed by Watpac and up to 80 per cent of the project value to be spent on engaging local suppliers and subcontractors.

The North Queensland Stadium is expected to have approximately 400 people on its workforce at any one time during the construction phase.

Watpac Northern Region Manager Bryan Glancy said that the company is looking forward to working with Townsville locals on this project.

“This project will draw on our expertise while bringing together local businesses to offer various opportunities for North Queensland residents. We’ve got a strong record when it comes to engaging with local trades and suppliers as a priority for our projects and we will look to continue this over the course of the stadium’s construction. We will be working with interested parties early on to create a pathway for local industry participation,” Mr Glancy said.

The project is going to be delivered through a two-stage design and construct contract. Work on Stage 1 of the project – which involves design and early works – is set to commence in the coming weeks and the stadium is expected to be ready in time for the 2020 NRL season.

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Source: Townsville Bulletin and Watpac Constructions

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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