Major works to begin to improve rail freight transport in Mildura VIC

Monica Gameng   |   June 18, 2022
Train with freight in regional VIC (cr: Victoria's Big Build - Regional Rail Revival)

Works will soon be carried out to improve the rail freight corridor in Mildura to make it safer as well as provide easier and quicker transport of local produce to port. 

Several businesses will benefit from the rail upgrade, including citrus exporter Mildura Fruit Company and freight provider Seaway Intermodal – a company that plays a crucial role in transporting fruit, wine, grain and peas. 

The rail freight network upgrade is going to be delivered by Rail Projects Victoria as part of the broader Murray Basin Rail Project that will support up to 1,000 direct and indirect jobs. 

The Mildura rail freight network upgrade will enable heavier and more frequent trains to run on the rail line between Mildura and the Port of Melbourne. 

Works will commence in the coming months and will include siding extension works at Merbein near Mildura. This will allow 1,200 metre-long trains to stable away from the main rail line to enable grain trains to run more frequently to Yelta – ahead of another anticipated bumper grain season. 

Other works will include extending crossing loops further south, allowing opposing 1,200-metre-long freight trains to pass each other as well as allow the current Seaway services between Mildura to the Port of Melbourne to increase to up to five days a week. 

“We’re keeping the rail freight network moving in Mildura and ensuring we are continuing to support our farmers and freight operators by making it easier and quicker for them to transport their local produce. 

“These works will provide a huge benefit – allowing for more frequent and heavier services of fruit, wine, grain and peas to operate on freight trains between Mildura and the Port of Melbourne,” Minister for Ports and Freight Melissa Horne said. 

The improved rail freight corridor will also help remove thousands of trucks from local roads each day by enabling thousands more tonnes of freight to be moved by rail which, in turn, makes roads safer while reducing carbon emissions. 

Through the Victorian Budget 2022/23, about $181 million has been invested for critical maintenance works on the regional rail freight network that will improve rail freight competitiveness as well as support the growing freight demands from regional economies and supply chains. 

A further $3.5 million will also be allocated to extend the Mode Shift Incentive Scheme (MSIS) – an initiative that supports over 170 freight industry jobs at intermodal terminals in regional Victoria and removes the equivalent of 28,000 truck trips from state roads annually. 

Source: Premier of Victoria – Media Centre; Victoria’s Big Build – Regional Rail Revival 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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