Major works begin on $100m new Causeway bridges project in WA

Monica Gameng   |   March 11, 2023
Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges (cr: Main Roads WA)

Another major milestone has been reached on the $1.5 billion Perth City Deal as construction begins on the iconic Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges. 

The project will feature two cable-stayed bridges that will provide a 6-metre-wide shared path that links Victoria Park foreshore at McCallum Park to Heirisson Island and Perth’s CBD at Point Fraser. Dedicated rest stops along the bridges will also be constructed for path users, not for vehicles. 

The new Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges are going to be built approximately 90 metres downstream the existing Causeway Bridge. 

“The Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges will be a major landmark for Perth, helping to bring more people to the CBD safely and efficiently. 

“More opportunities for cycling and walking into the city means less cars on the road, and a safer commute for visitors and workers in the city. 

“This project is part of our enormous investment into Perth City, supporting local jobs and businesses as we reinvigorate the CBD,” Premier Mark McGowan said. 

causeway-artists-impression-1Artist impression of the new Causeway bridges (source: Main Roads WA)

The Causeway Link Alliance – comprised of Civmec Construction and Engineering Pty Ltd, Seymour Whyte Constructions Pty Ltd, WSP Australia Pty Ltd and Main Roads – will be undertaking the delivery of the project. 

The existing shred path caters to over 3,000 people each day and it is no longer fit for purpose. The new Causeway bridges will not only address this, but it will also significantly improve safety, connectivity and amenity for those commuting to work or school as well as tourists. 

“The existing Causeway bridge is one of the busiest connections to central Perth, and the current infrastructure is far too narrow to accommodate the current demand from cyclists and pedestrians. 

“With the backdrop of the Swan River, these two new iconic bridges will not only be visually stunning, they will provide our community and tourists better connectivity and encourage more people to visit the CBD, which will support local businesses,” WA Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said. 

As Perth’s population continues to increase and the number of path users is on the rise as well, the Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges will separate path users from broader traffic, improving overall safety. 

In addition, the new shared path will offer alternative transport options with better connectivity along with enhanced natural environment and public amenity. 

“This beautiful bridge will help make Perth a more family friendly city, increasing accessibility and amenity for local residents, tourists and business visitors,” Federal Member for Perth Patrick Gorman said. 

“As a cyclist, I have found the shared path is challenging to negotiate. The new bridge will be both beautiful and practical. Pedestrians and cyclists will feel safer, and it should encourage more people to get out and get active,” Federal Member for Swan Zaneta Mascarenhas said. 

causeway-artist-impression-4Artist impression of the new Causeway bridges (source: Main Roads WA)

The design for the new Causeway bridges incorporates interpretative architectural and landscape designs that showcase Whadjuk Noongar culture and heritage to honor the project site’s strong cultural significance to Aboriginal people. The project’s Matagarup Elders Group was consulted for the design of the new Causeway. 

An Expressions of Interest process was carried out for Noongar artists to deliver public art such as sculptural totems, patterned pathway design and wall artworks on the bridges. A shortlist is now being finalised. 

“More than 3,300 pedestrians and cyclists use the current Causeway bridge every day – and this upgrade will ensure Perth remains connected through new infrastructure, making Perth a liveable and accessible city,” State Member for Perth John Carey said. 

“Victoria Park is only 4km from the Perth CBD, and this landmark construction will provide a new connection between the city and the bustling Albany Highway café strip,” State Member for Victoria Park Hannah Beazley said. 

The $100 million Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges project is jointly funded by the Australian and Western Australian Governments, each contributing $50 million. 

The new Causeway bridges are expected to be completed in late 2024. 

“Our partnership with the WA Government is helping to transform the city, creating local jobs and bringing greater investment to further strengthen the state’s economy. 

“The Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges is an iconic project that will support the reinvigoration of the city’s eastern gateway and provide a new option for commuters to get to and from the CBD. 

“These iconic bridges are being built and manufactured locally by WA workers creating more jobs and opportunities in Perth,” Federal Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government; Main Roads Western Australia; Infrastructure Magazine 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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