Major Project status given to $1.5bn Cellars Hill Wind Farm project

Monica Gameng   |   February 7, 2025
Wind turbines (cr: Pixabay - Ed White)

The proposed Cellars Hill Wind Farm has been declared a Major Project by the Tasmanian Government under its landmark major project legislation, fast-tracking the renewable energy project towards construction. 

With the Major Project declaration, the Cellars Hill Wind Farm will now be assessed by an independent expert panel appointed by the Tasmanian Planning Commission as well as relevant statutory regulators. 

“Cellars Hill Wind Farm is large, complex and significant for the region and our state – it’s clear this is a Major Project and will now be assessed under our streamlined pathway. 

“In our small state, big projects are a gamechanger. No one can argue with the jobs and opportunities created by our first Major Project declaration – the Bridgewater Bridge. 

“Wind farms are the majority of major projects being assessed currently by the Tasmanian Planning Commission, with four large scale wind generation projects around the state choosing this pathway. 

“That’s why we will bring a Bill to Parliament to automatically qualify large renewable energy projects for Major Project assessment,” Minister for Housing, Planning and Consumer Affairs Felix Ellis said. 

In addition to the Major Project declaration, the State Government also announced changes that will help get renewable energy projects to be delivered faster and simpler. 

The planning reform will help future-proof the Tasmanian economy now and into the future. 

“We want to see more projects getting off the ground sooner, this change will allow more large renewable energy projects like Cellars Hill to automatically become eligible for Major Project assessment, should proponents choose that path. 

“We are absolutely committed to enabling job-creating developments like Cellars Hill, ensuring we generate the energy we need, and grow the economy,” Minister for Energy and Renewables Nick Duigan said. 

The $1.5 billion wind farm development in the Central Highlands is anticipated to create about 238 jobs during its two-year construction phase and 14 jobs once operational. 

Moreover, the Cellars Hill Wind Farm is driven by multi-generational landowners with the community in mind. 

“The project is being led by multi-generational farmers and includes a proposal for a $1,000 per annum energy subsidy per household/business within Bothwell and within 12 kilometres of a turbine, paid for the life of the project. 

“We thank the Tasmanian Government for making this declaration and look forward to Cellars Hill Wind Farm contributing towards the Tasmanian Renewable Energy Target of 200 per cent renewable energy by 2040,” Director of the Cellars Hill Wind Farm Project, Andrew Clark said. 

Source: Premier of Tasmania – Latest News; New Norfolk and Derwent Valley News; Pulse Tasmania 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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