Queensland Coal Exploration are proposing to develop a new mine located about 60km northwest of Nebo and 170km west of Mackay by road, in the Isaac Regional Council area, in the Bowen Basin, Central Queensland. An environmental impact statement was lodged this week.
QCE intends to apply for 3 mining lease applications for the ‘Hillalong Coal Project’: a mining lease over the area of Mineral Development Lease 324, a mining lease for anew train load out facility, and a mining lease for a new transport corridor connecting the mine and the train load out facility.
Open cut mine in Cloncurry, QLD. Source: ABC
A workforce of 400 would be required at the peak of construction works and 436 during operations.
Construction will commence in the second quarter of 2017, with first coal exports scheduled for the first quarter of 2018. The mine is expected to produce thermal and coking coal and will have a mine life of about 17 years.
The proposal has received support from the Mackay Regional Council, with 75% of the operational and construction workforces are set to come from the Mackay, Whitsundays and Isaac regions.
The Council will need to look into the effect of increased traffic flow to the mine through Walkerston. Committee Chair Amanda Camm said that the project will contribute to their argument that the Bowen Basin Service Link (Walkerston Bypass) needs commitment from the State and Federal Governments.
The road is already a major safety concern for the community, and increased traffic from the mines without the support of critical economic infrastructure would pose a risk to the community as well as the mining workforce’s ability to safely access the site.
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Source: QLD Govt, Australian Mining
Moreton Resources has taken the next step in developing a new thermal coal mine 6km south of Kingaroy by lodging plans with the Federal Government.
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