Lumsden Point project in the Pilbara progresses to second stage works

2 min read
Monica Gameng   |   August 4, 2023
Lumsden Point (cr: Pilbara Ports Authority)

The second stage of the seawalls construction at Lumsden Point in the Port of Port Hedland will soon commence, with MGN Civil awarded the contract to build the west seawall. 

The west seawall contract is expected to deliver significant benefits to Pilbara-based businesses as 100 per cent of materials, suppliers and subcontractors are to be sourced within the region. Additional labour opportunities will also be up for grabs. 

“We know there are enormous opportunities in the Pilbara for job-creating new green industries, but we need the infrastructure in place to facilitate this growth. 

“The Lumsden Point development will open up new opportunities in battery metals and renewable energy – ensuring the Pilbara remains the nation’s economic engine room long into the future. 

“It’s also great to see Pilbara businesses benefiting from this major investment, as part of our commitment to local content in government contracts,” Premier Roger Cook said. 

MGN Civil began construction on the east seawall – the first stage of seawalls – in January of this year, with works to be completed next month. 

The Lumsden Point development will deliver new multi-user facilities and berths at the Port of Port Hedland, which will help diversify trade in the Pilbara region while also supporting the growth of renewable industries in Australia and overseas. 

The project will include the construction of seawalls, a causeway to connect the wharf to the proposed logistics hub, dredging works on the inner harbour as well as construction of roads and intersections to support the Pilbara Hydrogen Hub. 

“Lumsden Point will provide significant economic benefit to the State and country, solidifying WA’s position as the engine room of the Australian economy. 

“I am also thrilled that MGN has committed to 100 per cent of materials for the project being sources from the Pilbara region, 100 per cent of subcontractors and suppliers being locally-based and as much as 50 per cent of the labour being carried out by Pilbara-based people,” Pilbara MLA Kevin Michel said. 

These works will increase export capacity for battery metals – including lithium and copper concentrates – and facilitate the import of renewable energy infrastructure such as turbines and blades while supporting the rapid growth of direct shipping services to the Pilbara. 

The Australian Government has committed $565 million to support the delivery of common user port upgrades in the region which, in turn, will enable the development of Lumsden Point. 

The Western Australian Government is backing the Lumsden Point project through a $129.1 million investment. 

“It is fantastic to see the progress being made at Lumsden Point, with this critical piece of infrastructure essential to facilitating growth and trade diversification in the Pilbara. It will also ensure WA is prepared for the future as we transition to net-zero emissions. 

“The west seawall contract will provide a boost to the local economy and is an important step to enable future work at Lumsden Point to progress. 

“The ultimate development of Lumsden Point is expected to boost Australia’s gross domestic product by $2.1 billion per annum. It is expected to save 3.6 million tonnes of emissions by 2055 by supporting direct shipping to the Pilbara and providing a pathway for renewable energy infrastructure,” Port Minister David Michael said. 

Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Pilbara Ports Authority; Australian Mining; Supply Chain Channel; Dredging Today 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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