Local businesses benefit from the delivery of Burdekin Falls Dam project

Monica Gameng   |   August 11, 2023
Burdekin Falls Dam (cr: Sunwater)

The Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project in Queensland is already providing benefits to the local community prior to its construction as six new work contracts are awarded to local businesses. 

The contracts have a combined value of $1.7 million and works are estimated to support 80 jobs, with about 50 of these from the local region. 

“I am so pleased that progress is tracking ahead on this crucial project,” Member for Townsville Scott Stewart said. 

“With up to 50 local jobs coming from these contracts alone, the works at Burdekin Falls Dam are already contributing to regional growth,” Member for Mundingburra Les Walker said. 

The awarded contracts include: 

  • Townsville-based Simmonds Enterprise will provide access tracks and earthworks for quarry source investigation 
  • Townsville-based Everick Cultural Heritage will work with Traditional Owners to coordinate cultural heritage surveys and management agreements and support important native title discussions 
  • Three Queensland-based firms – Contract Drilling, Drilling Solutions, and Geodrill Solutions Australia – will provide specialist drilling capability to support rock and aggregate requirements 
  • Toowoomba-based National Mobile Camps have been engaged to construct the temporary workers’ camp – a 17-person temporary camp that will reduce time spent driving to and from the site, assist with fatigue management and reduce vehicle movements on local roads 

“These packages are key to supporting important survey, approval and planning work for Burdekin Falls Dam and will build on detailed investigations Sunwater has already completed. 

“This work will ensure we can make vital project decisions, including where to source clay, rock and other aggregate materials and will support ongoing engagement with Traditional Owners to ensure Aboriginal cultural heritage is appropriately identified, protected and managed during project activities. 

“Planning is progressing well for the improvement and raising projects and we expect to submit a draft of the EIS to the Queensland Coordinator-General this year,” Sunwater CEO Glann Stockton said. 

The Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project aims to raise the existing dam by two metres to help increase water supply as well as support future water demand in the Burdekin and surrounding regions. 

The proposed project will include: 

  • Raising the existing dam spillway using concrete buttressing 
  • Raising the abutments and saddle dams 
  • Constructing a new right-bank saddle dam 

Through the 2023-24 Budget, the Queensland Government has committed a further $440 million as downpayment for the project. This is on top of the $100 million already invested towards the raising and improvement works on the dam. 

“The Palaszczuk Government’s funding commitment is being put to good use, ensuring important planning and investigation activities can get underway. 

“Raising Burdekin Falls Dam by two metres will significantly boost the amount of water available for future demand, whether that comes from industry, agriculture or urban water supply,” Minister for Water Glenn Butcher said. 

The Burdekin Falls Dam Raising project is anticipated to generate up to 350 jobs during its construction, supporting the local economy and workforce. 

The delivery of this project will require a variety of skillsets including skilled and semi-skilled labourers, specialist trades, equipment operators, traffic management, specialist subcontractors, supervisors, management, engineers and administration. 

“With the project set to create 350 jobs during construction, we can expect considerable flow-on economic benefits for North Queensland. 

“Ensuring there is water security for the region is essential to support agriculture, industry and the community which is why we’re investing in this project as well as stages one and two of the Haughton Pipeline,” Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper said. 

Source: Queensland Government – Media Statements; Sunwater; The National Tribune 

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Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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