More works are set to get underway to revitalise Darwin’s Civic and State Square precinct following the award of an $88 million construction contract to local builder Sitzler Pty Ltd.
The company will undertake the delivery of the Northern Territory Art Gallery as well as planning and design of the remaining elements of the precinct, including:
The Northern Territory Art Gallery was previously referred to as the State Square Art Gallery, and it will feature a dual English and Aboriginal name once it opens its doors to the public. Consultation with local Aboriginal groups and stakeholders will be carried out to identify suggestions and support for an Aboriginal name for the gallery.
“The artistic, social and cultural benefits of this project will showcase the best of the Territory’s art scene.
“The new Northern Territory Art Gallery will provide space for the exhibition that the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) does not currently have and will allow us to share more of our immense collection and touring exhibitions,” Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Chansey Paech said.
Civic and State Square precinct project map (source: Investment Territory)
The overall revitalisation of the Civic and State Square precinct is part of the historic Darwin City Deal that is being delivered in partnership with the Australian Government.
About $145 million has been allocated towards the transformation of the precinct into a “welcoming and interactive green heart of the CBD”.
“This project will create a vibrant new heart for the city and one that will attract locals, visitors, artists and businesses and provide an enhanced pedestrian link between the Darwin CBD and the Waterfront.
“The economic benefits of this investment will not only support an estimated 322 jobs in the construction phase but will also help to achieve our goal of a $40 billion economy,” Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Eva Lawler said.
The entire scope of works of the revitalisation project includes the Chan Building demolition, Northern Territory Art Gallery, State Square underground car park, 90-bay Parliamentary car park redevelopment, Central heart, and Liberty Square.
Several works have already been completed to revitalise the Civic and State Square precinct. This includes the construction of the underground car park, landscaping of the former 90-bay car park and demolition of the Chan Building.
The remaining scope of the revitalisation project includes:
Source: Northern Territory Government Newsroom; Investment Territory; Roads & Infrastructure Australia
Following the appointment of a contractor in July of this year, preparation works for the new Darwin Ship Lift is now being carried out on site.
Following assessment, the independent Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) has given environmental approval to the development of Santos’ Darwin Pipeline Duplication Project.
The $515 million Darwin Ship Lift Facility project in the Northern Territory has marked another milestone with the award of another major work contract.
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