LendLease signs agreement to develop Alkimos Central in WA

Monica Gameng   |   July 24, 2016

LendLease has signed a Development Agreement with LandCorp – WA’s land development agency – to develop Alkimos Central. Located 40 kilometres north of Perth, the 145 hectare site is a new addition to Alkimos Beach and will be developed into 1,600 lots and houses for at least 4,650 people. 

Once completed, Alkimos Beach will comprise of up to 10,000 houses. To date, around 700 dwelling have already been delivered. Alkimos Central is being developed to support the future Alkimos City Centre and it will be host to amenities such as:

  • A public highschool that will serve the Alkimos area
  • A primary school
  • A public open space

Provisions for a 1,500 square metre commercial space along Alkimos Avenue is also included in the proposed development plan.

Alkimos Beach, Western AustraliaSource: Yahoo News AU

As part of the agreement, Lendlease will be preparing the Alkimos Central Local Structure Plan on behalf of LandCorp where the latter has allocated the following:

  • 100 hectares of land for the creation of a significant Open Space network
  • At least 11 hectares for District Recreation Sporting facilities

General Manager of the Lendlease Communities business in WA, Anthony Rowbottam said the new project underpinned Lendlease’s commitment to the Western Australian market.

“Our strong partnership with LandCorp on Alkimos Beach has allowed us to deliver many successes including Australia’s first 6 Star Green Star rated community, Australia’s first Surf Lifesaving BeachSAFE community, the innovative community hub and microfinancing model at Sprout and hosting a potential market changing energy storage trial” he said.

The Alkimos Central Local Structure Plan is set to be endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission by late September 2016. Works on the first 63 hectares is expected to begin in 2017.

Watch this space for updates on this project.

In the meantime, read up on the free eBook below - Preparing a Business Capability Statement - which highlights tips on how to effectively present your business to clients as well as preparing a stand out capability statement.

business capability statement

Source: AEOL

Monica Gameng
As Felix's Marketing Assistant since 2015, Monica is responsible for researching and sharing new and progressing projects within the construction and mining sectors in Australia. It's no surprise that Monica has her finger on the pulse of Australian major projects given she has produced more than 1,000 posts. She truly is an industry expert.
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