June '16 sees $39m worth of contract awards in NT 

Kerri McGrath   |   July 5, 2016

In June 2016 The Northern Territory saw contract awards totaling more $39m. The massive amount of projects will support development and create real jobs and opportunities for local contractors and small businesses.

The projects are aimed at upgrading schools, community housing and other vital infrastructure through the NT.

Over $20m of the $39m awarded in June was through the NT's Boosting Our Economy package which is aimed at providing immediate job opportunities for local small to medium businesses.

Some of the 38 contract tenders awarded in June include:

  • a $2.35m contract awarded to Nightcliff Builders Unit Trust to build four new classrooms at Larrakeyah Primary School under the Boosting Our Economy program
  • a $2.04m contract awarded to Alice Springs business Patrick Homes & Construction to design and construct a new preschool at Alpurruruliam
  • a $2.91m contract awarded to Tennant Creek business Far Northern Contractors to undertake remote community housing upgrades at Alpurruruliam
  • a $1.81m contract awarded to Darwin business United Air Condiitoning and Mechanical Services to replace chillers at Palmerston Senior College under the Boosting Our Economy Program 

Minister for Infrastructure Peter Chandler said that the projects will help boost the economy in NT by "delivering critical infrastructure and improving access to goods and services for remote Territorians" while also enhancing the lifestyle of locals. 

Expect to see a lot of plant and equipment around soon, including cranes, dozers, graders, excavators, forklifts and loaders to name a few.

Stay tuned for progress updates on works, especially if you're a local contractor

Source: Newsroom

Kerri McGrath
Kerri is a content specialist with Felix (formerly PlantMiner) and the first point of contact for the company. Her hobbies include breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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