More freight infrastructure will be delivered at Western Australia’s key agricultural areas with a $200 million joint funding for the first package of the Agricultural Supply Chain Improvement (ASCI) program.
This funding commitment will ensure that freight infrastructure can keep up with the growing demand in the agricultural sector.
“The McGowan Government is committed to improving regional freight infrastructure.
“We are already spending a record amount on regional roads and we are now able to prioritise further investment on the regional freight rail network.
“This $200 million will ensure our regional freight network continues to keep up with demand now and into the future,” Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said.
Four projects will be funded under the first ASCI package to help local grain growers as well as other primary producers in transporting their product to market within Australia and around the world.
The significant investment will be allocated to four project areas, including:
These four projects have been determined in consultation with CBH, rail network manager Arc Infrastructure as well as grower groups and local government.
In addition, the siding upgrades will be complemented by approximately $200 million in investments in rapid loading bins and elevators by CBH.
“The recent record harvest of 24 million tonnes shows that we need to continue to invest in road and rail to provide and increasingly efficient transport network.
“The ASCI rail project funding, closely aligned with CBH’s train loading investments, will deliver freight cost savings and grain price benefits each year to grain growers throughout the agricultural region,” Minister Saffioti said.
For both CBH and the grain growing industry, these projects will further aid in efforts to move grain rapidly to port after harvest, capitalising on strong international demand and high prices. Being able to load longer trains faster at strategically located CBH bins will also bring substantial financial returns to growers in the region.
The State’s new Kaolin clay mine – located near Wickepin – will also benefit from a potential rail freight service as the mine’s export production increases in the coming years.
With funding now secured, planning and design can now begin, and the projects completed by 2025.
The Western Australian and Australian Governments are jointly delivering $187.5 million in funding for the Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network program along with $36 million to commence the Mid-West and Great Southern Secondary Freight Network programs that will improve export connections across the agricultural regions.
Source: Government of Western Australia – Media Statements; Railway Technology; Supply Chain Channel; ABC News
The Western Australian Government has awarded a $155 million contract to New Horizons Ahead (NHOA) Australia to deliver a new large-scale battery energy storage system (BESS).
Roads and bridges impacted by flood in the Kimberley region of Western Australia will receive much-needed upgrades to make the infrastructure more resilient to floods and storms.
Western Australians are set to benefit from a $940 million infrastructure funding boost from the Australian and State Governments, which will help deliver a number of congestion-busting projects across Western Australia.
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