John Holland awarded Newmarket and Alderley station upgrades in Brisbane

PlantMiner   |   May 10, 2016

John Holland has been awarded the contract to deliver the accessibility upgrade works to the Newmarket and Alderley stations in Brisbane on behalf of Queensland Rail. In announcing the project award, John Holland shared that "Under the contract, John Holland will undertake various works across QR’s South East Queensland network to upgrade facilities and access arrangements at existing stations to achieve independent access to the stations and associated platforms via pathways, ramps and lifts, without reliance upon stairs." 

Through Queensland Rail’s ongoing Station Upgrade Program, the Queensland Government is focused on making the improvements to our stations and facilities which allow all customers to travel safely and easily.

As part of this Program, the State Government recently committed $212 million to deliver accessibility upgrades to 14 high priority stations across the next five years including Graceville, Dinmore, Alderley, Newmarket, Nambour,  Strathpine, Boondall and Auchenflower. These upgrades will significantly improve access to the stations for all customers including those with disabilities, the elderly, parents with prams, people with injuries or even simply those carrying luggage.

Alderley station accessiblity upgrade

Work at Alderley is expected to commence in late May 2016, weather and construction conditions permitting. 

StationAccessibilityUpgrade_ArtistImpression_AlderleyStation_2.jpgSource: Artist's impression # 1 - Queensland Rail

Newmarket station accessbility upgrade

Early works commenced in February 2016. Construction work will commence in March 2016 and is expected to be completed by late 2016, weather and construction conditions permitting. The upgrade will deliver:

  • a new pedestrian footbridge and lift providing access from Abuklea Street West to the platforms and subway
  • raised platform sections to provide assisted boarding points
  • extended platform shelters around the station building, lift and subway
  • a new accessible toilet including baby change facilities
  • a refurbished ticket office
  • upgraded CCTV and station lighting
  • new wayfinding and platform signage.


Source: Artist's impression # 2 - Queensland Rail

Keeping you informed

PlantMiner is committed to keeping the construction community informed about this project. For ongoing updates about Queensland Rail's $212 million upgrade program, subscribe to Felix Project News. 

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